
IELTS Học Thuật (Band 5 Trở Xuống) - War

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Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (5)

a fight between opposing armed forces, particularly during a war

trận chiến, cuộc chiến

trận chiến, cuộc chiến

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a fight between different military forces during a war

cuộc chiến, trận chiến

cuộc chiến, trận chiến

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a military officer with a rank above that of a lieutenant and below that of a major

đại tá, trưởng nhóm

đại tá, trưởng nhóm

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an officer in charge of a military operation or a group of soldiers

thuyền trưởng, sĩ quan

thuyền trưởng, sĩ quan

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a group of soldiers in an army who fight by armored vehicles

kỵ binh, kỵ binh armoured

kỵ binh, kỵ binh armoured

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a very high-ranking officer in the army, the US air force or the marines



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the art or science of employing military forces and strategies in order to achieve victory over an enemy

chiến thuật, chiến lược

chiến thuật, chiến lược

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the military action of fighting against the enemies to stop their advance

kháng cự quân sự, kháng cự

kháng cự quân sự, kháng cự

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a country's military force trained to fight on land

quân đội

quân đội

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someone who is employed by a government to obtain secret information on another person, country, company, etc.

gián điệp, thám tử

gián điệp, thám tử

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[Danh từ]
war zone

a region in which a war is taking place

khu vực chiến tranh, khu vực xung đột

khu vực chiến tranh, khu vực xung đột

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[Danh từ]
front line

the area where opposing forces meet or engage, often in a military conflict

trận địa, hai mặt trận

trận địa, hai mặt trận

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an object that can physically harm someone or something, such as a gun, bomb, knife, etc.

vũ khí, đồ vật gây hại

vũ khí, đồ vật gây hại

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a period or state where there is no war or violence

hòa bình

hòa bình

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a small cylindrical metal object designed to be fired from a gun

viên đạn, đạn

viên đạn, đạn

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the act of taking control of another country and sending people to settle there

thực dân hóa, định cư

thực dân hóa, định cư

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the act of taking possession of an area by using military force

chinh phục, chiếm đóng

chinh phục, chiếm đóng

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the additional troops or supplies sent to support an army

củng cố, khoảng bổ sung

củng cố, khoảng bổ sung

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a situation in which people join together to fight against those in power

nổi dậy, phong trào

nổi dậy, phong trào

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[Danh từ]
to attack

to begin using weapons against a place or enemy during a war

tấn công, đánh

tấn công, đánh

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[Động từ]
to defend

to not let any harm come to someone or something

bảo vệ, bênh vực

bảo vệ, bênh vực

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to fire

to shoot a bullet, shell, etc. from a weapon

bắn, nổ súng

bắn, nổ súng

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to retreat

(of military) to move away in order to escape the danger because one has been defeated or is weak

rút lui, thụt lùi

rút lui, thụt lùi

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to conquer

to gain control of a place or people using armed forces

chinh phục, thống trị

chinh phục, thống trị

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to bombard

to drop bombs on someone or something continuously

ném bom, tấn công

ném bom, tấn công

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to capture

to seize or get control of something by force

chiếm, bắt

chiếm, bắt

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a group of people, organizations, or political parties working together toward their common interests

liên minh, liên hiệp

liên minh, liên hiệp

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a high-ranking officer in the army, marine corps, or air force, whose rank is between a lieutenant colonel and brigadier general

đại tá

đại tá

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the act of invading or entering a territory, country, or region by force or without permission, often with the intent to control or dominate the area and its inhabitants

cuộc xâm lược, xung đột

cuộc xâm lược, xung đột

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a former member of the armed forces who has fought in a war

cựu chiến binh, người lính từng chiến đấu

cựu chiến binh, người lính từng chiến đấu

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a continuous attack to an area using bombs

công kích

công kích

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