
IELTS Học Thuật (Band 8 Trở Lên) - Politics

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Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (8)

a type of politics that purports to represent the opinions and desires of ordinary people in order to gain their support

chủ nghĩa dân túy

chủ nghĩa dân túy

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the belief in and implementation of a political system where the government possesses absolute control over its citizens

chủ nghĩa toàn trị, hệ thống toàn trị

chủ nghĩa toàn trị, hệ thống toàn trị

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involving the cooperation or agreement of two political parties, especially those usually opposed to each other, to achieve a common goal or outcome

lưỡng đảng, có sự phối hợp của hai đảng

lưỡng đảng, có sự phối hợp của hai đảng

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[Tính từ]

a party meeting to discuss policy or select candidates

cuộc họp đảng, caucus

cuộc họp đảng, caucus

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the scientific study of elections, including the analysis of voting patterns, behavior, and electoral systems, to understand and predict political outcomes

khoa học bầu cử

khoa học bầu cử

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[Danh từ]

the political propaganda, especially in the form of art, literature, or media, used to promote a particular ideology, cause, or political agenda

agitprop, tuyên truyền chính trị

agitprop, tuyên truyền chính trị

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the practice of pushing a dangerous situation or confrontation to the edge of disaster, often with the intention of achieving a specific outcome

chính sách rủi ro, chơi với lửa

chính sách rủi ro, chơi với lửa

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[Danh từ]

the commitment to governing in accordance with the principles and provisions specified in a constitution, promoting the rule of law and safeguarding individual rights

chủ nghĩa hiến định, tôn trọng hiến pháp

chủ nghĩa hiến định, tôn trọng hiến pháp

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dog whistle

a coded message intended to be understood by a particular group while remaining unnoticed or ambiguous to others

kêu chó, thông điệp mã hóa

kêu chó, thông điệp mã hóa

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the study of how geography influences global political and economic interactions

địa chính trị

địa chính trị

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power politics

the use of political, economic, or military power to achieve and maintain influence and control on the global or national stage

chính trị quyền lực, chính trị ảnh hưởng

chính trị quyền lực, chính trị ảnh hưởng

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[Danh từ]

the extreme political or religious beliefs often accompanied by intolerance for different views

cuồng tín, cực đoan

cuồng tín, cực đoan

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[Danh từ]
hard left

an individual or group advocating for radical or extreme left-wing political positions and policies

cánh tả cực đoan, cánh tả cấp tiến

cánh tả cực đoan, cánh tả cấp tiến

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[Danh từ]
hard right

extremely conservative or right-wing political ideologies, often associated with more radical views within the right-wing spectrum

cánh hữu cực đoan, cánh hữu cứng

cánh hữu cực đoan, cánh hữu cứng

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[Danh từ]

the belief that a country must have a strong military force in order to seem more powerful

chủ nghĩa quân sự

chủ nghĩa quân sự

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[Danh từ]

the belief in or practice of giving a central government significant control over social and economic affairs

chủ nghĩa nhà nước

chủ nghĩa nhà nước

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the practice or principle of a nation or party taking actions, making decisions, or forming alliances without seeking or considering the approval, consensus, or cooperation of others

đơn phương

đơn phương

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the current holder of a particular office or position, especially in politics

người đương nhiệm, incumbent

người đương nhiệm, incumbent

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the act of rebellion or resistance against established authority, typically through speech or conduct

nổi loạn

nổi loạn

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the right or privilege of casting a vote in public elections

quyền bầu cử, quyền bỏ phiếu

quyền bầu cử, quyền bỏ phiếu

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the act of surrounding the enemy, a town, etc. and cutting off their supplies so that they would surrender

bao vây

bao vây

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red tape

official procedures or rules that are unnecessary and time-consuming

thủ tục hành chính, hải quan đất nước

thủ tục hành chính, hải quan đất nước

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to promulgate

to make a formal statement presenting a new rule, law, etc. that is going to be put into action

công bố, ban hành

công bố, ban hành

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a short, political argument, particularly between rivals

cuộc cãi nhau, tranh cãi

cuộc cãi nhau, tranh cãi

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the belief in a political theory that stands for giving the total power to a single person or government at all times

chủ nghĩa chuyên chế

chủ nghĩa chuyên chế

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