Phrasal Verbs mit 'Up' - Zunehmend oder abnehmend
to become more powerful, intense, or larger in quantity
aufbauen, steigern
to increase something, such as a quantity, level, or value
erhöhen, aufstocken
to gradually add to the amount, number, price, etc. of something
allmählich steigen, langsam zunehmen
to reduce pressure, intensity, or pace of something to make someone feel more at ease
entlasten, lockern
to suddenly become more intense, especially in terms of a situation or conflict
aufflammen, wieder aufflackern
to increase in amount or quantity over time
sich ansammeln, sich häufen
to cause an increase in the amount, number, or value of something
erhöhen, steigern
to cause the cost or value of something to increase
in die Höhe treiben, erhöhen
to cause the value or price of something to rise
steigen lassen, erhöhen
(of an amount or price) to increase rapidly
steigen, rasant ansteigen
to increase the size, amount, intensity, speed, etc. of something
steigern, verstärken
to turn a switch on a device so that it makes more sound, heat, etc.
to cause an increase in the amount, size, or significance of something
skalieren, erhöhen