
Từ Vựng cho IELTS (Tổng Quát) - Không gian

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về không gian, chẳng hạn như “atmosphere”, “launch”, “aerospace”, v.v. cần thiết cho kỳ thi IELTS.


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Bắt đầu học
Words for General IELTS

someone who is trained to travel and work in space

phi hành gia

phi hành gia

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the different types of gases that surround the earth or other planets

bầu khí quyển

bầu khí quyển

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space station

a large structure used as a long-term base for people to stay in space and conduct research

trạm không gian

trạm không gian

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the natural light coming from the sun

ánh sáng mặt trời

ánh sáng mặt trời

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the light coming from the moon

ánh trăng

ánh trăng

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any of the rocky bodies orbiting the sun, ranging greatly in diameter, also found in large numbers between Jupiter and Mars

hành tinh nhỏ

hành tinh nhỏ

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a scientist who studies or observes planets, stars, and other happenings in the universe

nhà thiên văn

nhà thiên văn

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a branch of science that studies space, planets, etc.

thiên văn học

thiên văn học

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a large number of star systems bound together by gravitational force

dãy ngân hà

dãy ngân hà

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[Danh từ]
to launch

to send an object, such as a satellite, missile, etc., into space

phóng (tên lửa, v.v.)

phóng (tên lửa, v.v.)

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[Động từ]
to orbit

to move around a star, planet, or a large object in space

quĩ đạo

quĩ đạo

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[Động từ]

a jet engine with liquid or solid fuel that is propelled by a burning gas stream

hỏa tiển

hỏa tiển

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[Danh từ]

a natural body in space that moves around the earth or other planets

hộ tinh

hộ tinh

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solar system

the sun and the group of planets orbiting around it, including the earth

hệ mặt trời

hệ mặt trời

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a vehicle designed to travel in space

phi thuyền không gian

phi thuyền không gian

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to voyage

to travel over a long distance by sea or in space

[Động từ]

the earth's atmosphere and the space beyond it

hàng không vũ trụ

hàng không vũ trụ

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a specific group of stars that form a pattern and have a name related to their shape

chòm sao

chòm sao

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(physics) the universal force of attraction between any pair of objects with mass

trọng lực của trái đất

trọng lực của trái đất

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relating to the moon

âm lịch

âm lịch

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[Tính từ]

a piece of rock coming from outer space that passes through the Earth's atmosphere, producing light

hiện tượng trong không khí

hiện tượng trong không khí

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the action of circular movement around a fixed point

sự hồi chuyển

sự hồi chuyển

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an imaginary line in the middle of an object around which the object revolves

trục quay

trục quay

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having or seeming to have no or little weight, caused by the absence of gravity

chân không

chân không

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[Tính từ]

an operation carried out in space

hoạt động không gian

hoạt động không gian

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a rocket that gives a spacecraft or missile the extra power it needs to leave the Earth's atmosphere

tăng cường

tăng cường

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the act of counting numbers backwards to zero before the launch of a missile or spacecraft

đếm ngược

đếm ngược

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an unmanned spacecraft used to gather information from space and send it back

cái xông để dò vết thương

cái xông để dò vết thương

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to wane

(of the moon) to gradually decrease in its visible illuminated surface as it progresses from full to new moon

[Động từ]
to wax

(of the moon) to progressively display a larger illuminated section until it turns into a full moon

bôi sáp

bôi sáp

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