书籍 Total English - 中高级 - 第 5 单元 - 参考 - 第 2 部分
在这里您可以找到《全能英语中高级》教材第5单元 - 参考 - 第2部分中的词汇,例如“breadth”、“glove”、“train”等。
a sport that involves using acrobatic movements to navigate obstacles and terrain, often in urban environments, with an emphasis on creativity and self-expression
自由奔跑, 自由跑
any body of water that is not contained within a defined or enclosed area
开水域, 开放水域
referring to a situation in which teams, players, etc. are trying to defeat their rivals
竞争的, 竞赛的
(of a substance, activity, behavior, etc.) causing strong dependency, making it difficult for a person to stop using or engaging in it
上瘾的, 成癮的
to become the most successful, the luckiest, or the best in a game, race, fight, etc.
赢得, 获胜
to get more points, votes, etc. than the other side, in a game, race, competition, etc. and win
击败, 战胜
to teach a specific skill or a type of behavior to a person or an animal through a combination of instruction and practice over a period of time
训练, 教导