
Verbs of Making and Changing - Verbs for Changes in Temperature

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to changes in temperature such as "freeze", "boil", and "cool down".









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Categorized English Verbs of Making and Changing
to freeze

to cause something to become solid or turn into ice by reducing its temperature

to chill

to cool or refrigerate food or beverages to a lower temperature

to cool

to become less hot and slightly colder

to fan

to make the air move and cool a room or a space

to frost

to cover something with a thin layer of ice crystals

to defrost

to cause something frozen become warmer to melt away the ice or frost

to refrigerate

to put food or drinks in a refrigerator or other cold place to keep them cool or fresh

to cool down

to reduce the temperature of something

to boil

(of liquids) to become very hot and turn into steam

to heat

to raise the temperature of something

to warm

to make someone or something hotter by increasing the temperature or providing heat

to simmer

to cook something at a temperature just below boiling, allowing it to bubble gently

to preheat

to heat a grill or an oven before putting food in it

to overheat

to make something too hot in a way that can cause damage or discomfort

to heat up

to make something warm or hot

to warm up

to increase the temperature of something

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