
Topic-Related Verbs of Human Actions - Verbs Related to Disease Symptoms

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to disease symptoms such as "vomit", "sneeze", and "itch".









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Categorized English Topic-Related Verbs of Human Actions
to vomit

to eject what has been eaten or drunk through the mouth

to gag

to attempt to vomit but be unable to, typically due to an unpleasant taste or smell

to puke

to forcibly expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth

to throw up

to expel the contents of the stomach through the mouth

to cough

to push air out of our mouth with a sudden noise

to sneeze

to blow air out of our nose and mouth in a sudden way

to itch

to feel a sensation on the skin that makes one want to scratch

to ache

to feel a prolonged physical pain in a part of one's body, especially one that is not severe

to bleed

to lose blood from an injury or wound

to faint

to suddenly lose consciousness from a lack of oxygen in the brain, which is caused by a shock, etc.

to collapse

(of a person) to fall and usually become unconscious due to illness

to pass out

to lose consciousness

to come around

to awaken from a state of unconsciousness

to wheeze

to breathe with difficulty, especially with a whistling or rattling sound

to swell

to become rounder or larger, particularly due to an increase in the amount of fluid

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