قائمة كلمات المستوى C1 - المخاطر
ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية حول المخاطرة، مثل "بشكل حاد" و"مسؤول" و"متهور" وما إلى ذلك، والتي تم إعدادها لمتعلمي المستوى C1.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
not caring about the possible results of one's actions that could be dangerous

متهور, غير مسؤول

(of a person) tending to do things without carefully thinking about the possible outcomes

متهور, عجول

feeling or showing caution and attentiveness regarding possible dangers or problems

حذر, متحفظ

to put someone or something in danger, particularly by being careless

تعريض للخطر, خاطر ب

to place something in a container or place that can be securely fastened with a lock

إغلاق, تأمين بمفتاح

a situation where an airplane, ship, etc. requires help because it is in serious danger

حالة طوارئ, نداء استغاثة

an act that someone does while knowing that there is a risk but also possible success

مخاطرة, رهان

the state of being threatened by or exposed to a significant negative occurrence

خطر, تهديد

an act done to prevent something unpleasant or bad from happening

احتياط, تدبیر احترازي

the number of individuals who die as a result of an accident, war, etc.

عدد القتلى, حصيلة الوفيات

an act, law, rule, etc. that protects someone or something against danger or harm

حماية, تدبير أمان