Listă de Cuvinte Nivel C1 - Riscuri
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză despre risc, cum ar fi „acutely”, „liable”, „daredevil”, etc., pregătite pentru cursanții C1.
Fișe de studiu
filled with important, exciting, or dangerous events

plin de evenimente, evenimentuos

widely known for something negative or unfavorable

notoriu, celebru (în sens negativ)

not caring about the possible results of one's actions that could be dangerous

necugetat, iresponsabil

(of a person) tending to do things without carefully thinking about the possible outcomes

necugetat, grăbit

feeling or showing caution and attentiveness regarding possible dangers or problems

prudent, bănuitor

to warn someone of something that could be difficult or dangerous

atenționa, avertiza

to put someone or something in danger, particularly by being careless

compromite, expune la risc

to challenge someone to do something difficult, embarrassing, or risky

a îndrăzni, a provoca

to place something in a container or place that can be securely fastened with a lock

a închide, a securiza

a situation where an airplane, ship, etc. requires help because it is in serious danger

situație de urgență, apel de ajutor

an act that someone does while knowing that there is a risk but also possible success

pariu, risc

the state of being threatened by or exposed to a significant negative occurrence

pericol, riscuri

an act done to prevent something unpleasant or bad from happening

prudență, justificare preventivă

the number of individuals who die as a result of an accident, war, etc.

numărul de morți, cifra victimelor

an act, law, rule, etc. that protects someone or something against danger or harm

măsură de protecție, garantie

very stupid behavior that could develop into a dangerous situation

frenzy, nebunie