
قائمة كلمات المستوى C1 - الإقناع والخطاب

ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية حول الإقناع والخطاب، مثل "منطوق" و"مفضل" و"قابل للنقاش" وما إلى ذلك، والتي تم إعدادها لمتعلمي C1.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
CEFR C1 Vocabulary
to advocate

to publicly support or recommend something

يدعو, يدعم

يدعو, يدعم

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to appraise

to estimate or assess the value, quality, or performance of something or someone

يقيّم, يقدر

يقيّم, يقدر

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to assert

to clearly and confidently say that something is the case

أكد, صرح

أكد, صرح

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to bias

to unfairly influence or manipulate something or someone in favor of one particular opinion or point of view

تحيز, أثر على بشكل غير عادل

تحيز, أثر على بشكل غير عادل

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to calculate

to form an opinion by considering the information at hand

يحسب, يقدر

يحسب, يقدر

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to commit

to state that one is bound to do something specific

التعهد بـ, الالتزام بـ

التعهد بـ, الالتزام بـ

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to confer

to exchange opinions and have discussions with others, often to come to an agreement or decision

تشاور, تناقش

تشاور, تناقش

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to conform

to adjust oneself in order to align with new or different circumstances or expectations

يت conform, يتكيف

يت conform, يتكيف

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to contend

to argue the truth of something

يجادل, يؤكد

يجادل, يؤكد

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to contradict

(of pieces of evidence, facts, statements, etc.) to be opposite or very different in a way that it is impossible for all to be true at the same time

تناقض, يتعارض مع

تناقض, يتعارض مع

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(of statements, beliefs, facts, etc.) incompatible or opposed to one another, even if not strictly illogical

متناقض, غير متوافق

متناقض, غير متوافق

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to convert

to change the form, purpose, character, etc. of something

تحويل, تغيير

تحويل, تغيير

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to deduce

to determine by a process of logical reasoning

استنتاج, استنباط

استنتاج, استنباط

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to deem

to consider in a particular manner

يعتبر, يعد

يعتبر, يعد

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to dispute

to argue with someone, particularly over the ownership of something, facts, etc.

يسيء للقضاء, خلاف

يسيء للقضاء, خلاف

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to echo

to repeat opinions or statements of another person, particularly to show support or agreement

يكرر, ي echo

يكرر, ي echo

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used to convey that one is against something

مناهض, ضدّ

مناهض, ضدّ

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[حرف جر]

favorable or supportive in attitude or response

إيجابي, مؤيد

إيجابي, مؤيد

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intending to provoke thought or discussion

تحفيزي, تحدي

تحفيزي, تحدي

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able to be believed or relied on

موثوق, قابل للتصديق

موثوق, قابل للتصديق

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unclear or uncertain because of the involvement of many different opinions or perspectives

قابل للنقاش, جدلي

قابل للنقاش, جدلي

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immediately noticed due to being apparent

بارز, واضح

بارز, واضح

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then again

used to add a statement that contradicts what one has just said


used to convey that a statement can be supported with reasons or evidence

من المحتمل, يعتبر

من المحتمل, يعتبر

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in a positive, approving, or useful manner

بشكل إيجابي, بصورة مؤيدة

بشكل إيجابي, بصورة مؤيدة

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as a matter of fact

used to introduce a statement that presents a truth or reality, often to clarify or emphasize something

at the same time

used to introduce a second fact that must be taken into account

for that matter

used to convey that what one is saying about something is also true for another related thing

بهذا المعنى, أيضًا في هذا الصدد

بهذا المعنى, أيضًا في هذا الصدد

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as far as something is concerned

used to refer to the specific matter or topic being discussed or considered

to fight out

to fight until a result is achieved or an agreement is reached

النضال حتى الوصول إلى نتيجة, القتال حتى التوصل إلى اتفاق

النضال حتى الوصول إلى نتيجة, القتال حتى التوصل إلى اتفاق

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a serious argument between two sides caused by their different views and beliefs

صراع, تضارب

صراع, تضارب

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a situation of hostility or strong disagreement between two opposing individuals, parties, or groups

تعارض, مواجهة

تعارض, مواجهة

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the quality of always acting or being the same way, or having the same opinions or standards

اتساق, ثبات

اتساق, ثبات

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a belief or opinion that is very strong

قناعة, اعتقاد

قناعة, اعتقاد

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a detailed judgment of something, such as a work of art, a political idea, etc.

نقد, تقييم

نقد, تقييم

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someone who does not provide a definite answer for a question, particularly when being asked in a poll

غير محدد, لا يعرف

غير محدد, لا يعرف

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a remark or opinion that has been used so much that it is not effective anymore or does not have the impact it used to have

عبارة مبتذلة, كليشيه

عبارة مبتذلة, كليشيه

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(of a comment) implying two distinct meanings

ذو وجهين, غامض

ذو وجهين, غامض

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to that effect

used when one is providing the general meaning of written or spoken statement instead of the exact words


used to show agreement, approval, etc.

تمام, حسناً

تمام, حسناً

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used to describe something as really great, satisfying, or interesting

رائع, مذهل

رائع, مذهل

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for crying out loud

used to show that one is angry, annoyed, or astonished

يا إلهي!, كيف يعقل هذا!

يا إلهي!, كيف يعقل هذا!

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sob story

a story told in order to gain the sympathy of other people, particularly one that seems to be fake

قصة مؤثرة, قصة مثيرة للشفقة

قصة مؤثرة, قصة مثيرة للشفقة

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