Seznam Slovíček Úrovně C1 - Rizika
Zde se naučíte několik anglických slovíček o riskování, jako například „acutely“, „liable“, „daredevil“ atd. připravených pro studenty C1.
filled with important, exciting, or dangerous events

slepený událostmi, plný událostí

widely known for something negative or unfavorable

notorický, známý (negativně)

not caring about the possible results of one's actions that could be dangerous

bezohledný, neuvážený

(of a person) tending to do things without carefully thinking about the possible outcomes

ponáhlý, neuvážený

feeling or showing caution and attentiveness regarding possible dangers or problems

opatrný, obhajující

to warn someone to be cautious of a dangerous person or thing

dvěti se, být opatrný

to warn someone of something that could be difficult or dangerous

varovat, upozornit

to put someone or something in danger, particularly by being careless

ohrozit, kompromitovat

to challenge someone to do something difficult, embarrassing, or risky

odvážit se, vyzvat

to place something in a container or place that can be securely fastened with a lock

uzamknout, uzamknout na klíč

a situation where an airplane, ship, etc. requires help because it is in serious danger

kritická situace, souběžný signál

an act that someone does while knowing that there is a risk but also possible success

sázka, riziko

the state of being threatened by or exposed to a significant negative occurrence

nebezpečí, riziko

someone or something that causes or is likely to cause danger or damage


an act done to prevent something unpleasant or bad from happening

opatrnost, preventivní opatření

a location or circumstance that offers protection and safety

útočiště, přístřeší

the number of individuals who die as a result of an accident, war, etc.

počet obětí, bilance mrtvých

an act, law, rule, etc. that protects someone or something against danger or harm

ochrana, zajištění

very stupid behavior that could develop into a dangerous situation

šílenství, bláznovství