
وصف الصفات - المكان والمكانة

استكشف المصطلحات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالمكان والموضع، بما في ذلك "غرفة الكوع" و"الانفجار عند اللحامات".




بطاقات الفلاش


اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
English Idioms used to Describe Qualities
to burst at the seams

to be occupied by a large number of things

(as) straight as an arrow

completely direct and without any twists and deviations

(out) in the open

in an environment that is not enclosed

to elbow one's way

to forcefully make a path through a crowded or obstructed area

elbow room

enough space that enables people to move easily

مساحة للتحرك, حرية الحركة

مساحة للتحرك, حرية الحركة

Google Translate
in the middle of nowhere

in a place that is far away from cities, towns, or anywhere that is occupied by people

neck of the woods

an area that is near a place in which someone resides

room to swing a cat

a small or confined room with very limited space for movement

nook and cranny

all possible places, particularly those that are out of sight or reach

packed (in) like sardines

without sufficient space for one to move freely

stomping ground

a familiar place or location, particularly one where someone often goes to or spends time in

fresh out of sw

having just returned from a specific place

(as) straight as a ramrod

(of one's posture) in a straight and rigid position

on all fours

to be down on one's hands and knees

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