أفعال الحواس والمشاعر - أفعال للأفعال العاطفية
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الأفعال الإنجليزية التي تشير إلى الأفعال العاطفية مثل "الضحك"، "البكاء"، و "الحزن".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to make our mouth curve upwards, often in a way that our teeth can be seen, to show that we are happy or amused


to smile widely in a way that displays the teeth

ابتسم على نطاق واسع, ابتسم ابتسامة كبيرة

to make happy sounds and move our face like we are smiling because something is funny

يضحك, يبتسم بضحك

to laugh in a light, silly, or often uncontrollable way as a result of nervousness or embarrassment

تضحك, تضحك بخفة

to laugh loudly and harshly, often in a way that sounds unpleasant or wicked

تُضحك بشكل مزعج, تُخلي بصوت عالٍ

to laugh loudly and heartily, especially when something is very funny

يضحك بصوت عالٍ, يقهقه بصوت مرتفع

to give a quiet, half-suppressed laugh, often showing scorn, mockery, or disrespect

يضحك ضحكة خفيفة, يسخر

to laugh quietly in a restrained or nervous manner, often with short, high-pitched sounds

قهقه, ضحك بصوت منخفض

to give a half-smile, often displaying satisfaction, superiority, or amusement

تجاعيد تبتسم, ابتسم باستهزاء

to have tears coming from your eyes as a result of a strong emotion such as sadness, pain, or sorrow

يبكي, يتباكى

to cry loudly while making repeated, short gasping sounds, often due to intense emotions such as sadness or grief

تبكي, تأوه

to cry out loudly and mournfully, often expressing grief, pain, or intense sorrow

وئل, نباح