
أفعال الحواس والمشاعر - أفعال للأفعال العاطفية

هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الأفعال الإنجليزية التي تشير إلى الأفعال العاطفية مثل "الضحك"، "البكاء"، و "الحزن".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

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Categorized English Verbs of Senses and Emotions
to smile

to make our mouth curve upwards, often in a way that our teeth can be seen, to show that we are happy or amused



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to grin

to smile widely in a way that displays the teeth

ابتسم على نطاق واسع, ابتسم ابتسامة كبيرة

ابتسم على نطاق واسع, ابتسم ابتسامة كبيرة

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to laugh

to make happy sounds and move our face like we are smiling because something is funny

يضحك, يبتسم بضحك

يضحك, يبتسم بضحك

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to giggle

to laugh in a light, silly, or often uncontrollable way as a result of nervousness or embarrassment

تضحك, تضحك بخفة

تضحك, تضحك بخفة

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to chuckle

to laugh quietly and with closed lips

يضحك برفق, يبتسم بصمت

يضحك برفق, يبتسم بصمت

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to snicker

to laugh quietly in a sneaky or mocking way

يضحك بصوت منخفض, يستهزئ

يضحك بصوت منخفض, يستهزئ

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to cackle

to laugh loudly and harshly, often in a way that sounds unpleasant or wicked

تُضحك بشكل مزعج, تُخلي بصوت عالٍ

تُضحك بشكل مزعج, تُخلي بصوت عالٍ

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to guffaw

to laugh loudly and heartily, especially when something is very funny

يضحك بصوت عالٍ, يقهقه بصوت مرتفع

يضحك بصوت عالٍ, يقهقه بصوت مرتفع

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to snigger

to give a quiet, half-suppressed laugh, often showing scorn, mockery, or disrespect

يضحك ضحكة خفيفة, يسخر

يضحك ضحكة خفيفة, يسخر

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to titter

to laugh quietly in a restrained or nervous manner, often with short, high-pitched sounds

قهقه, ضحك بصوت منخفض

قهقه, ضحك بصوت منخفض

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to smirk

to give a half-smile, often displaying satisfaction, superiority, or amusement

تجاعيد تبتسم, ابتسم باستهزاء

تجاعيد تبتسم, ابتسم باستهزاء

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to rejoice

to feel or show great joy, delight, or happiness

يَفْرَحُ, يَسْتَبْرِكُ

يَفْرَحُ, يَسْتَبْرِكُ

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to cry

to have tears coming from your eyes as a result of a strong emotion such as sadness, pain, or sorrow

يبكي, يتباكى

يبكي, يتباكى

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to weep

to shed tears due to strong feelings of sadness

يبكي, يذرف الدموع

يبكي, يذرف الدموع

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to sob

to cry loudly while making repeated, short gasping sounds, often due to intense emotions such as sadness or grief

تبكي, تأوه

تبكي, تأوه

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to tear up

to begin to cry or become emotional

يبدأ في البكاء, يتأثر عاطفياً

يبدأ في البكاء, يتأثر عاطفياً

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to snivel

to cry or whine with sniffling sounds

يئن, يتشكى

يئن, يتشكى

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to wail

to cry out loudly and mournfully, often expressing grief, pain, or intense sorrow

وئل, نباح

وئل, نباح

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to bawl

to cry in a loud manner with strong emotions or distress

يصرخ, يبكي بصوت عالٍ

يصرخ, يبكي بصوت عالٍ

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to blubber

to cry or whine while making sniffing sounds

ينتحب, يبكي

ينتحب, يبكي

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to grieve

to feel intense sorrow, especially because someone has died

يُحِزّ, يَندُب

يُحِزّ, يَندُب

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to mourn

to feel deeply sad usually due to someone's death

يُعزي, ينعى

يُعزي, ينعى

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to lament

to verbally express deep sadness over a loss or unfortunate situation

يتألم, ينوح

يتألم, ينوح

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