TOEFL এর জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় শব্দভাণ্ডার - Employment
এখানে আপনি চাকরি সম্পর্কে কিছু ইংরেজি শব্দ শিখবেন, যেমন "শ্রম", "শিক্ষার্থী", "পজিশন" ইত্যাদি যা TOEFL পরীক্ষার জন্য প্রয়োজনীয়।
a person's profession or job, typically the means by which they earn a living

পেশা, কর্ম

a period when a student or graduate works, often unpaid, in order to meet some requirements to qualify for something or to gain work-related experience

ইন্টার্নশিপ, স্টেজ

someone who works for a skilled person for a specific period of time to learn their skills, usually earning a low income

শিক্ষানবিশ, প্রশিক্ষার্থী

a list of tasks and responsibilities that a job includes

কর্ম বিবরণ, জব বিবরণ

the act or process of working with someone to produce or achieve something

সহযোগিতা, সাঁজোয়া

all the individuals who work in a particular company, industry, country, etc.

শ্রমশক্তি, কর্মী

the employees and their skills and abilities when considered as valuable assets

মানব সম্পদ, কর্মী

a group of people who work in an organization or serve in any branch of the military

কর্মকর্তা, বিভাগের সদস্য

someone whose job includes heavy physical work that does not require much skill

শ্রমিক, কর্মী

a sum of money given to someone for the goods they have sold, which increases based on the amount they sell

কমিশন, শতাংশ

an official agreement between two or more sides that states what each of them has to do

চুক্তি, সমঝোতা

a regular payment made to a retired person by the government or a former employer

পেনশন, বক্তব্য

to take advantage of someone by making them work a lot and paying them less than is deserved

শোষণ করা, শোষণ করা লোক

the difference between the payment received by two different groups of people

বেতন বৈচিত্র্য, বেতন গ্যাপ

to stop working as a sign of protest against some work issues, such as low wages, poor working conditions, etc.

অবস্থান ধর্মঘট করা, হরতাল করা

(of a person) not having much work to do in their job or being unable to use their full potential

অবসাদগ্রস্ত, সম্পূর্ণ বিকাশের সুযোগ না পাওয়া

(of an activity) making one feel satisfied by giving one a desirable outcome

পূরণসাধনকারী, সন্তোষজনক

boring and repetitive, often causing frustration or weariness due to a lack of variety or interest

নিরস, বিরক্তিকর

the process or action of finding new individuals to become a member of the armed forces, a company, or an organization


to officially announce one's departure from a job, position, etc.

অবসর নেওয়া, বিদায় বলা

the amount of work that a person or organization has to do

কর্মের বোঝা, কাজের পরিমাণ

(of a job or occupation) providing a high salary or income in comparison to others in the same industry or field

ভালোভাবে বেতনপ্রাপ্ত, ভাল টাকা দেওয়া