Slovesa Vytváření a Změny - Slovesa pro míchání a slučování
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na míchání a slučování, jako je „blend“, „fuse“ a „stir“.
to combine different substances, elements, or ingredients together to create a unified whole
míchat, kombinovat
to mix different substances or elements together
smíchat, kombinovat
to move a spoon, etc. around in a liquid or other substance to completely mix it
míchat, stir
to beat or mix rapidly, typically with a utensil such as a whisk
šlehat, míchat
to combine different things together to form a unified whole
sloučit, zmíchat
to combine two or more metals to make a more suitable one
sloučit, smíchat
to thoroughly mix different things together
smíchat, kombinovat
to mix substances together so that they become a smooth and stable blend
emulgovat, zmíchat
to mix things in a random or disorganized manner
změnit, přeházet
to bring things together to form a whole or include something as part of a larger group
integrovat, začlenit
to combine different things, often diverse elements, into a single, unified whole
amalgamovat, spojit
to combine two or more things in order to make them easier to handle or increase their efficiency
zpevnít, sloučit