Slovesa pro Správu Informací a Objektů - Slovesa pro ověření
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na ověřování, jako je „prove“, „demonstrate“ a „certify“.
to show or say that something is the case, particularly by providing proof

potvrdit, ověřit

to show that something is true through the use of evidence or facts

prokázat, dokázat

to provide supporting evidence for a theory, statement, etc.

potvrdit, podpořit

to show clearly that something is true or exists by providing proof or evidence

demonstrovat, prokazovat

to support or defend something that is believed to be right so it continues to last

podporovat, bránit

to prove someone or something right by providing evidence or justification

ospravedlnit, obhájit

to confirm or validate something, often by providing evidence or proof

certifikovat, potvrdit

to confirm or prove something true, often by providing evidence or testimony

potvrdit, dosvědčit

to confirm or prove the accuracy, authencity, or effectiveness of something

ověřit, potvrdit

to prove something to be true by providing adequate evidence or facts

potvrdit, dokázat

to determine something with certainty by careful examination or investigation

zjistit, určit

to prove that something is incorrect or flawed, making it not acceptable or reliable

anulovat, vyvrátit

to state that something is incorrect or false based on evidence

vyvrátit, dokázat nepravdivost

to reveal the exaggeration or falseness of a belief, claim, idea, etc.

vyvrátit, odhalit

to prove something false or incorrect with evidence or argumentation

vyvrátit, rozporovat

to prove something or someone wrong or false through evidence or argumentation

vyvrátit, kontradikovat