Frázová Slovesa Používající 'Out' - Zastavení nebo spuštění
(of a war, fight, or other unwelcome occurrence) to start suddenly

vypuknout, propuknout

to suddenly and forcefully break and release what is inside

prasknout, vybuchnout

to naturally lose interest or stop doing something, especially a habit or behavior, as one matures or gets older

přerůst, vyrůst z

to stop somebody or something from entering a specific area or place

zadržet, udržet venku

to prevent someone from getting involved in a particular situation, matter, etc.

držet mimo, zabránit zapojení do

to prevent someone from entering a place by securing the entrance with a lock

zamknout, vyloučit

to prevent something from occurring or someone from doing something

vyloučit, zabránit

to intentionally avoid paying attention to something so that it does not effect one in a negative way

vyloučit, ignorovat

to forcefully end something, often a negative or undesirable situation

potlačit, vymýtit

to begin taking the early steps regarding an action, project, or goal

zahájit, začít