Frázová slovesa používající výraz „ven“ - Komunikovat nebo diskutovat
to invite someone on a date, particularly a romantic one
pozvat na rande
to suddenly say something, especially in a rude or surprising way
vyjít s
to eat in a restaurant, etc. rather than at one's home
jíst venku
to fight until a result is achieved or an agreement is reached
bojovat až do dosažení výsledku
to spend much time in a specific place or with someone particular
trávit čas
to thoroughly discuss something in order for an agreement to be reached or a decision to be made
probrat podrobně
to ask someone to accompany one to a specific place or event
pozvat ven
to confidently share one's thoughts or feelings without any hesitation
vyjádřit se
to clearly and explicitly explain something
vysvětlit podrobně
to have an intense discussion to solve a problem or reach an agreement
intenzivně diskutovat