
Frázová Slovesa Používající 'Out' - Others









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Phrasal Verbs With 'Out'
to age out

to mature mentally and not do certain behaviors

vyrůst, dospět

vyrůst, dospět

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to balance out

to bring to equality by adjusting different elements

vyvážit, sjednotit

vyvážit, sjednotit

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to belt out

to sing loudly and boldly, expressing strong musical energy

zpívat nahlas, zpívat se silným projevem

zpívat nahlas, zpívat se silným projevem

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to dry out

to become dry or drier after the removal of moisture

vyschnout, oschnout

vyschnout, oschnout

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to flatten out

to reach a point where growth or upward movement ceases, resulting in a stable or consistent level

ustálit se, vyrovnat se

ustálit se, vyrovnat se

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to freeze out

to turn from a liquid state into a solid state as a result of exposure to low temperatures

zmrazit, ztuhnout

zmrazit, ztuhnout

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to live out

to live in a location separate from one's primary place of activity

žít mimo, být ubytován mimo

žít mimo, být ubytován mimo

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to print out

to produce a paper copy of a document from a printer

tisknout, vytisknout

tisknout, vytisknout

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to sign out

to exit a computer account such as email, Instagram, etc. in a way that you have to re-enter your username and password in order to use it again

odhlásit se, vykřičet se

odhlásit se, vykřičet se

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to thaw out

to gradually become unfrozen after being taken out of the freezer

rozmrazit, tát

rozmrazit, tát

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to work out

to exercise in order to get healthier or stronger

cvičit, trénovat

cvičit, trénovat

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to zoom out

to adjust the lens of a camera in a way that makes the person or thing being filmed or photographed appear further away or smaller

zmenšit zoom, udělat zoom ven

zmenšit zoom, udělat zoom ven

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to carry out

to complete or conduct a task, job, etc.

provést, uskutečnit

provést, uskutečnit

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to do out

to decorate or arrange something, typically a place, in a particular way

vyzdobit, vybavit

vyzdobit, vybavit

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to iron out

to resolve problems or disagreements through discussion or effort to reach a solution or agreement

vyřešit, urovnat

vyřešit, urovnat

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to sort out

to put or organize things in a tidy or systematic way

uspořádat, seřadit

uspořádat, seřadit

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to clock out

to record the time of one's departure from work

odcházet, opsat odchod

odcházet, opsat odchod

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to fill out

to complete an official form or document by writing information on it

vyplnit, doplnit

vyplnit, doplnit

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to write out

to write something on paper, ensuring it is clear and includes all the necessary details

sepsat, napsat

sepsat, napsat

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to win out

(of an emotion or action) to be in control and very strong at the moment

převládnout, vyhrát

převládnout, vyhrát

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to blow out

to put out a flame, candle, etc. using the air in one's lungs

sfouknout, uffnout

sfouknout, uffnout

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to burst out

to suddenly and forcefully break and release what is inside

prasknout, vybuchnout

prasknout, vybuchnout

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to put out

to make something stop burning or shining

uhasit, zhasnout

uhasit, zhasnout

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to buy out

to take control of a company or business by purchasing all its shares

vykoupit, převzít

vykoupit, převzít

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to cash out

to get money in exchange for selling something valuable one owns

vybrat, prodat

vybrat, prodat

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to splash out

to spend a lot of money on fancy or unnecessary things

vydat peníze, utrácet

vydat peníze, utrácet

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