Akademisches IELTS (Band 8 und Höher) - War
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter zum Thema Krieg, die für die akademische IELTS-Prüfung erforderlich sind.
a very large assembled fleet of military warships operating under a unified command
Armada, Militärflotte
a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army, often motivated by payment rather than ideological or national allegiance
Söldner, Kriegsdienstleister
a temporary stoppage or truce in hostilities between parties engaged in a war or conflict
a defensive barrier erected during wartime to obstruct enemy movement and provide protection for defending forces
Barrikade, Sperre
a military unit composed of a varying number of companies or platoons, typically commanded by a lieutenant colonel
Bataillon, Militärbataillon
the military unit that is a subdivision of a company with a lieutenant in charge
the covert gathering of information for political, military, or economic purposes, often conducted by intelligence agencies
an unexpected, illegal, and often violent attempt to change a government
Staatsstreich, Putsch
a person who participates in irregular fighting as a member of an unofficial military group
Partisan, Partisanin
a fierce and intense attack, often with the goal of overwhelming the opponent
Angriff, Überfall
the military equipment and weaponry used by a country or military force
Bewaffnung, militärische Ausrüstung
big heavy guns that are attached on top of moving wheels or tracks
a building where military equipment are stored or manufactured
Arsenal, Waffenlager
a military strategy or capability designed to dissuade an adversary from aggression
Abschreckung, Abschreckungsmittel
projectiles, bullets, shells, or explosive devices used in firearms, artillery, or other weapons
Munition, Geschosse
a large weapon that was used in ancient times to throw stones or other objects with great force
a portable rocket launcher designed for use against tanks and armored vehicles
Bazooka, Raketenwerfer
to thrust or strike with a long-pointed weapon
stechen, mit einer Lanze treffen
fragments from an explosion, causing damage to surroundings
Schrapnell, Fragmente
an early firearm with a long barrel, used by infantry from the 16th to 18th centuries
a short-barreled, muzzle-loaded artillery piece that fires explosive shells at high angles for close-range support
Mörser, Geschütz
a public fight involving a group of people, typically causing a disturbance or public disorder
Schlägerei, Rauferei
an attack by aircraft, typically involving the dropping of bombs, on a location or a series of locations
Luftangriff, Luftschlag
a secured area on the enemy's side of a river or other obstacle, established by military forces to serve as a base for further operations
Brückenkopf, Vorposten
an individual who is forced to flee from a dangerous place or region
Evakuierter, Evakuierte
a group of military personnel stationed in a specific location or military base, often for the purpose of defending it
Garnison, Truppenstationierung
to carry out a sudden and intense military attack
überfallen, angreifen
to plunder, typically during times of war or civil unrest
plündern, rauben
to steal goods from a place or person, especially during times of war, chaos, or civil disorder
plündern, rauben
to attack ground targets, such as enemy troops or installations, with gunfire from low-flying aircraft
beschießen, abfeuern
to maneuver around the side of an enemy force, position, or defensive line in order to gain a tactical advantage
umgehen, überflügeln
to destroy someone or something completely
annihilieren, vollständig zerstören