Bewegungsverben - Verben für Bewegung
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Verben, die sich auf Bewegung beziehen, wie zum Beispiel „cross“, „shift“ und „glide“.
to travel or move across or through in a specified direction

durchqueren, überqueren

to go around or encircle an object or obstacle, allowing movement to continue in a changed direction

umfahren, umschiffen

to move or progress very slowly and in small distances

langsam bewegen, schleichend vorankommen

to transport or move matter instantaneously from one location to another without traversing the physical space in between

teleportieren, sich teleportieren

to strategically navigate or direct a vehicle, object, or oneself through a series of planned movements

manövrieren, lenken

to move in a sudden, strong, and often irregular forward or upward motion

vorpreschen, vorstürmen

to navigate around or avoid something by taking an alternative route or direction

umfahren, ausweichen

to progress or shift from one place to another, especially to make room for others

weiterziehen, vorankommen

to continue moving forward, despite obstacles or distractions

vorankommen, weitermachen

to move smoothly, easily, or quietly in a particular direction or position

gleiten, schliffen

to move smoothly and effortlessly through the air or on a surface with little or no propulsion

gleiten, schweben

(of a vehicle) to slide or slip uncontrollably, usually on a slippery surface

rutschen, ausbrechen

to move quietly and stealthily, often with the intention of avoiding detection or being unnoticed

schleichen, schlüpfen

to move slowly with the body near the ground or on the hands and knees

krabbeln, robben

to move slowly and quietly while staying close to the ground or other surface

kriechen, schleichen

to move or walk stealthily, attempting to avoid attention or detection

schleichen, sich heimlich bewegen