Mathematik und Bewertung ACT - Economics
Hier lernen Sie einige wirtschaftsbezogene englische Wörter wie „Treasury“, „Commodity“, „Deposit“ usw., die Ihnen dabei helfen werden, Ihre ACTs zu meistern.
to give something, particularly money, to make up for the difficulty, pain, damage, etc. that someone has suffered

entschädigen, kompensieren

to repay someone for expenses or losses they have experienced

erstatten, rückerstatten

(particularly related to money) to gradually increase in amount or number

ansammeln, zuwachsen

to seek financial contributions or donations for a particular cause, organization, or event

Spenden sammeln, Geld sammeln

to use or take something belonging to someone else, with the idea of returning it

ausleihen, leihen

to put an amount of money or other item of value into a bank account

einzahlen, deponieren

to obtain or earn something desired or needed, typically through effort or skill

erlangen, gewinnen

a situation in which the prices of assets, such as stocks, real estate, or commodities, become significantly inflated beyond their intrinsic value due to speculative investing or market hype

Vermögensblase, Asset-Blase

strict economic measures implemented by a government to reduce public expenditure and budget deficits


the process of introducing a new product or service into the market for sale

Kommerzialisierung, Markteinführung

(economics) an unprocessed material that can be traded in different exchanges or marketplaces

a valuable resource or quality owned by an individual, organization, or entity, typically with economic value and the potential to provide future benefits

an economic cycle characterized by periods of rapid economic expansion followed by periods of contraction or recession

Boom-Bust-Zyklus, Wirtschaftszyklus von Aufschwung und Rückgang

the cost advantages that enterprises obtain due to size, output, or scale of operation

Skaleneffekte, Größenvorteile

a person or organization that holds a position of trust, responsibility, and confidence to manage assets or property on behalf of others

Treuhänder, Fiduziaire

the estimated residual value of an asset at the end of its useful life

Restwert, Rettungswert

a public sale in which goods or properties are sold to the person who bids higher

an amount of money that a government or organization pays to lower the costs of producing goods or providing services so that prices do not increase

Subvention, finanzielle Unterstützung

a situation in which one organization or entity exclusively controls the production, distribution, or trade of a product or service, making other rivals unable to compete

Monopol, Monopolstellung

money, food, or other resources distributed freely to those in need, typically by an organization or government

Beihilfe, Zuwendung

an amount of money that one pays to receive an education, particularly in a university or college

a hard time in a country's economy characterized by a reduction in employment, production, and trade

a thing that achieves great widespread popularity or financial success, particularly a movie, book, or other product

Blockbuster, Riesenhit

a person or organization that provides money or resources to a business or project with the expectation of making a profit

Investor, Investorin

the regular costs required for maintaining a business or an organization

Gemeinkosten, Fixkosten

the funds and resources that a country or organization controls

Staatskasse, Finanzministerium

a reward or payment given as motivation for completing a task or reaching an objective

Belohnung, Prämie

a book or digital record that contains financial transactions and balances, organized by accounts

Hauptbuch, Kassenbuch

relating to government revenue or public money, especially taxes

fiskalisch, haushaltspolitisch

capable of producing a lot of profit or earning a great amount of money for someone

lukrativ, gewinnbringend

desirable or sought after, especially by employers or in the marketplace

marktfähig, gefragt

(in business) concentrating on or using something a lot, such as a piece of equipment, etc.

intensiv, aufwendig

(of an organization, activity, etc.) operating without the goal of generating any financial benefits

gemeinnützig, nicht gewinnorientiert

characterized by an economic system where private ownership of businesses and resources drives production and distribution with a focus on profit

kapitalistisch, gekennzeichnet durch Kapitalismus

having a much higher quality and price than the rest of their kind

hochwertig, gehobenes Segment

costing a lot of money, more than the necessary or affordable amount

extravagant, verschwenderisch