Zustimmung und Ablehnung - Opposition
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Wörter im Zusammenhang mit Opposition wie „demur“, „deadlock“ und „criticize“.
a situation in which the parties involved do not compromise and therefore are unable to reach an agreement

Stillstand, Blockade

(of disagreements, disputes, etc.) unable to be settled because the parties involved do not compromise

blockiert, in einer Sackgasse

a discussion about a particular issue between two opposing sides, mainly held publicly


to negotiate with someone, particularly about the price of something

verhandeln, feilschen

to hold or give a different opinion about something

widersprechen, nicht übereinstimmen
an argument or a situation in which people have different opinions about something

to make it known that one is not connected with or does not support or agree with someone or something; to declare that something does not have any connection with something else

dissoziieren, sich distanzieren

having conflicting or opposing elements that create disagreement or tension

discordant, widersprüchlich

disagreement over important things that makes people become unfriendly toward one another

Disharmonie, Meinungsverschiedenheit

a formal discussion where people hold differing views and fail to reach an agreement

Disputation, Streit

to argue with someone, particularly over the ownership of something, facts, etc.

disagreement with what is officially or commonly accepted

Dissens, Meinungsverschiedenheit

to give or have opinions that differ from those officially or commonly accepted

widersprechen, anderer Meinung sein
having or giving opinions that differ from those officially or commonly accepted

abweichend, dissident

the action or process of disagreeing or disobeying established authority or doctrine


someone who declares opposition to the government of one's country, knowing there is punishment for doing so

Dissident, Gegner

disagreeing with official policies or popular beliefs, particularly where there is punishment for this action

dissidentisch, oppositionell

to make it clear that one has no connection with or does not support or agree with someone or something; to state that something does not have any connection with something else

dissozieren, sich distanzieren

the action of displaying that one does not agree with something

Dissociation, Meinungsverschiedenheit

the lack of harmony or agreement within a group, leading to division or conflict

Zersplitterung, Uneinigkeit

(of views, opinions, etc.) to be different from each other

abweichen, sich unterscheiden

to not allow people become united and pose a threat to one by keeping them busy through causing disagreement and argument between them
causing disagreement or hostility by creating strong differences of opinion among people

spaltend, teilend