Βιβλίο Headway - Προχωρημένο - Μονάδα 2
Εδώ θα βρείτε το λεξιλόγιο από την Ενότητα 2 στο βιβλίο μαθημάτων Headway Advanced, όπως "σημειώστε", "τσιτάτο", "χαμένο για λέξεις" κ.λπ.
to suddenly become aware of something that one did not notice before, or that one had forgotten about
from the very beginning of a particular situation, activity, or process
to finally have a chance to state one's opinions about something after or in the middle of someone else's continuous speech
to manage to state one's opinions regarding something after or in the middle of someone else's prolonged speech
to have a very negative opinion about someone or something and to be unable to say anything positive or complimentary about them
to talk highly of someone as a way of helping them get an advantage, such as succeeding in a job interview
someone who avoids talking much and manages to convey their message in the most concise way possible
temporarily unable to think of what to say or how to express oneself, often due to shock, surprise, or intense emotion
a word or phrase that becomes popular or fashionable in a particular field or context, often used to impress or persuade others rather than for its actual meaning or value
to choose words carefully so as to avoid offense or give an impression different from the truth