Verbos de Estilo de Vida Físico y Social - Verbos para hacer travesuras
Aquí aprenderás algunos verbos en inglés que se refieren a travesuras como "prank", "tease" y "joke".
Tarjetas de memoria
to joke about something, often by giving false or inaccurate information

bromear, hacer una broma

to play a mischievous trick or practical joke on someone, often for amusement and laughs

bromear, hacer una broma

to imitate someone or something, often using sarcasm or teasing

burlarse de, imitar de forma sarcástica

to engage in light, playful, and teasing conversation or exchange of remarks

bromear, hacer chanza

to playfully tease someone in a friendly way, often involving light-hearted jokes or gentle ridicule

bromear, morder

to tease or joke with someone in a lighthearted and good-natured manner

bromear, molestar