Acuerdo y Desacuerdo - Cooperación y Conformidad
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con la cooperación y la conformidad, como "joint", "conform" y "collude".
Tarjetas de memoria
to be in agreement with something; to correspond to something

estar en armonía con
to work with someone else in order to create something or reach the same goal

the act or process of working with someone to produce or achieve something

involving or done by two or more parties working together toward a shared goal

colaborativo, en colaboración, colaborador
to cooperate secretly or illegally for deceiving other people

conspirar, confabularse
involving an activity that is secret or illegal intended to deceive people

shared opinions, beliefs, or interests between parties that have disagreements about other things

intereses comunes
to adjust oneself in order to align with new or different circumstances or expectations

cumplir con
the ability or willingness to obey, agree with, or correspond to something

willing to go along with group behaviors, standards, or popular opinions rather than standing apart

the act of adhering to established norms, protocols, and standardized behaviors within a social system or institution

involving partnership of a group of people working toward a common goal

to control and organize the different parts of an activity and the group of people involved so that a good result is achieved

used to show compliance with a specific rule, guideline, or standard

de acuerdo con, conforme a, de conformidad con
in accordance with a particular standard, expectation, or norm

en conformidad con, de acuerdo con
in accordance with a particular style, tradition, or expectation

de acuerdo con
to join with someone to achieve a common goal

hacer causa común con, formar causa común con
to pretend to support or agree with someone or something to keep things peaceful or for one's own gain

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