Acuerdo y Desacuerdo - Incumplimiento de Contrato o Cancelación
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés relacionadas con el incumplimiento de contrato o cancelación, como "repeal", "expire" y "breach".
Tarjetas de memoria
to terminate an agreement, right, law, custom, etc. in an official manner

abrogar, derogar
the violation of terms agreed on in a contract

incumpliendo de contrato
the formal ending of a business agreement, marriage, parliament, organization, etc.

(of a document, contract, etc.) to no longer be legally recognized because of reaching the end of validity period

expirar, caducar
the end of a period of time during which a document or agreement is valid

vencimiento, caducidad, expiración
to officially cancel a law, regulation, or policy, making it no longer valid or in effect

revocar, derogar
the end of a specific period of time, particularly one that is expected to last

the fact of being brought to an end; the action of putting an end to something

fin, conclusión
a person, organization, or government, etc. that breaches a law, agreement, etc. or disrespects someone's rights

violador, infractor