Lista de Palabras Nivel C1 - Investigación Académica
Aquí aprenderás algunas palabras en inglés sobre la investigación académica, como "empirical", "correlate", "qualitative", etc. preparado para estudiantes de C1.
Tarjetas de memoria
relating to or involving scientific experiments, especially those designed to test hypotheses or explore new ideas

occurring before a more important thing, particularly as an act of introduction

related to or involving quality of something, not numbers or amounts

relating to or based on theory or logical reasoning rather than practical experience or application

to freely provide information about oneself, often related to personal experiences, behaviors, etc.

a method used for measuring how old an organic material is by calculating the amount of carbon they contain

datación por carbono 14, datación mediante carbono 14
a controlled scientific experiment in which the effectiveness and safety of a medical treatment is measured by testing it on people

ensayo clínico
someone or something that is used as a standard of comparison in a scientific experiment to evaluate the results

control, grupo de control

a set of practices or beliefs that are claimed to be scientific when in reality they have no scientific basis

a series of methods by which a certain subject is studied or a particular activity is done

an arrangement done in an intentionally random manner to yield unbiased results

aleatorización, randomización
an assessment made of a scientific or academic research by people who are engaged in the same subject area

evaluación por los pares, evaluación por iguales