افعال عمل گفتاری - افعال برای انتقاد و عدم تایید
در اینجا شما با برخی از افعال انگلیسی مرتبط با انتقاد و عدم تایید مانند "سرزنش"، "سرزنش" و "سرزنش" آشنا خواهید شد.
املای کلمه
to say or feel that someone or something is responsible for a mistake or problem
مقصر دانستن
to strongly and publicly disapprove of something or someone
شدیدا مخالفت کردن, مورد نکوهش قرار دادن
to keep treating someone unfairly or making unfair remarks about them
با کسی ناعادلانه برخورد کردن
to keep criticizing or complaining to someone about their behavior, work, or actions
مداوم از کسی انتقاد کردن
to speak negatively about someone or something in a way that makes them seem inferior or weak
بدگوئی کردن, تحقیر کردن
to publicly express one's disapproval of something or someone
محکوم کردن, متهم کردن
to put blame on someone or something for a mistake or problem
کسی را مسئول دانستن
to severely criticize or scold someone for their actions or behaviors
شدیداً انتقاد کردن
to intentionally make harmful statements to damage a person or thing's worth or reputation
نام کسی را لکه دار کردن, بدنام کردن
to severely criticize, often with the intention of correcting someone's behavior or actions
تنبیه کردن, توبیخ کردن
to say bad and untrue things about someone, typically to damage their reputation
بدگویی کردن
to express mild disapproval, often in a gentle or corrective manner
شکایت کردن, گلایه کردن
to strongly and harshly criticize someone or something
محکوم کردن, تنبیه کردن
to criticize someone for doing or saying something that one believes to be wrong
سرزنش کردن, ملامت کردن
to criticize someone for their actions or behavior, often implying a need for correction
سرزنش کردن, ملامت کردن