
واژگان ضروری برای آزمون SAT - تغییر دادن

در اینجا شما برخی از کلمات انگلیسی مرتبط با تغییر را یاد خواهید گرفت، مانند "volatile"، "upheaval"، "convert" و غیره که برای ACE SAT های خود به آنها نیاز دارید.






املای کلمه



شروع یادگیری
SAT Exam Essential Vocabulary
to alter

to cause something to change

تغییر دادن

تغییر دادن

to transform

to change the appearance, character, or nature of a person or object

تبدیل کردن

تبدیل کردن

to convert

to change the form, purpose, character, etc. of something

تبدیل کردن

تبدیل کردن

to evolve

to develop from a simple form to a more complex or sophisticated one over an extended period

تکامل یافتن

تکامل یافتن

to adapt

to change something in a way that suits a new purpose or situation better

سازگار کردن

سازگار کردن

to distort

to change the shape or condition of something in a way that is no longer clear or natural

از ریخت انداختن

از ریخت انداختن

to fine-tune

to make very precise adjustments, usually small ones, to improve or perfect something

چیزی را تغییر دادن (به منظور بهبود آن)

چیزی را تغییر دادن (به منظور بهبود آن)

to render

to cause something to develop into a particular state, condition, or quality

ارائه دادن

ارائه دادن

Google Translate
to transition

to make something change from a particular state, condition or position to another

تغییر دادن

تغییر دادن

to revolutionize

to change something in a significant or fundamental way

متحول کردن

متحول کردن

to fluctuate

to vary or waver between two or more states or amounts

نوسان داشتن

نوسان داشتن

to stabilize

to make something steady and prevent it from fluctuating

تثبیت کردن

تثبیت کردن

to redress

to do something in order to make up for a wrongdoing or to make things right

جبران یا تصحیح کردن

جبران یا تصحیح کردن

to remedy

to correct or improve a situation

درمان کردن

درمان کردن

Google Translate
to mitigate

to lessen something's seriousness, severity, or painfulness

کاهش دادن

کاهش دادن

to refine

to improve by making small adjustments or removing impurities to enhance quality or effectiveness

to oscillate

to frequently change between different viewpoints or beliefs without settling on a fixed one

تغییر عقیده دادن

تغییر عقیده دادن

to defuse

to make a situation less tense or dangerous by calming emotions or reducing the likelihood of conflict or violence

چاشنی (بمب، مین و... را) کشیدن

چاشنی (بمب، مین و... را) کشیدن

to skyrocket

to increase rapidly and dramatically, often referring to prices, numbers, or success

سر به فلک کشیدن

سر به فلک کشیدن

to escalate

to become much worse or more intense

(یک چیز ناخوشایند) تشدید شدن

(یک چیز ناخوشایند) تشدید شدن

to curtail

to place limits or boundaries on something to reduce its scope or size

محدود کردن

محدود کردن

to disintegrate

to break or lose structure and unity over time

از هم پاشیدن

از هم پاشیدن

Google Translate
to deteriorate

to make worse

بدتر کردن

بدتر کردن


a sudden and significant change or disruption, especially in relation to politics or social conditions




the action of making something bigger in size, quantity, or scope




an abrupt increase in something's number or amount

افزایش ناگهانی

افزایش ناگهانی


characterized by continuous and often rapid change or progress



Google Translate

prone to unexpected and sudden changes, usually gets worse or dangerous




describing something that happens suddenly, often with sharp or noticeable changes


staying the same and not changing by the passage of time



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