वास्तुकला और निर्माण - मापने और प्रारूपण उपकरण
यहां आप मापने और प्रारूपण उपकरणों से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे जैसे "स्टड फाइंडर", "क्लिनोमीटर", और "प्रिज्म पोल"।
समीक्षा करें
a handheld tool used to determine the presence or absence of electrical voltage in a circuit or electrical outlet

वोल्टेज टेस्टर्स, वोल्टेज मापने वाला उपकरण

an electrical testing device that combines multiple measurement functions in one tool, typically used to measure voltage, current, and resistance in electrical circuits

मल्टीमीटर, इलेक्ट्रिकल परीक्षण उपकरण

a device used to locate and identify specific circuit breakers in an electrical panel or distribution board

सर्किट ब्रेकर खोजक, सर्किट ब्रेकर पहचानकर्ता

a specialized electrical testing instrument used to measure the resistance or insulation quality of electrical insulation materials, such as wires, cables, motors, and transformers

मेगोहममीटर, इन्सुलेशन प्रतिरोध मापक

a device used to check the electrical condition of outlets, circuits, and wiring in buildings

सर्किट विश्लेषक, सर्किट परीक्षण यंत्र

a flexible measuring tool consisting of a long strip of metal, cloth, or plastic with measurement markings, used to measure lengths and distances accurately

टेप मापने का यंत्र, मापने की टेप

a measuring and marking tool with a straight edge and a perpendicular arm, typically made of steel, used in carpentry and construction for checking right angles and laying out accurate measurements

स्टील स्क्वायर, धातु स्क्वायर

a handheld device that measures the moisture content in wood for woodworking and construction purposes

लकड़ी नमी मीटर, लकड़ी आर्द्रता मापक

a carpentry tool consisting of a reel or container filled with powdered chalk and a string, used to create a straight reference line on a surface by snapping the string coated with chalk

चाक लाइन, चाक की रस्सी

a device used to measure and monitor the amount of electrical energy consumed in a building or specific electrical circuit

इलेक्ट्रिकल मीटर, बिजली मीटर

a long, slender measuring tool typically made of wood or metal and marked with measurements in yards, feet, and inches


a handheld device that utilizes electronic or magnetic sensors to detect the presence and location of wooden or metal studs hidden behind drywall or other wall materials

स्टड खोजने वाला, स्टड फाइंडर

a tool used to determine the horizontal or vertical alignment of a surface

लेवल, लेवल उपकरण

a woodworking tool consisting of a handle and an adjustable blade that can be set and locked at any angle

स्लाइडिंग बिवल, पार्श्व मापने का औजार

a tool that emits a visible laser beam to project a straight, level, or plumb line onto a surface, facilitating precise alignment and positioning during construction, carpentry, or other projects

लेजर स्तर, लेजर लेवल

a tool consisting of a vial filled with liquid and an air bubble used to determine horizontal or vertical alignment

स्पिरिट स्तर, तरल स्तर

a compact level with multiple vials, including horizontal, vertical, and 45-degree angles, commonly used in tight spaces for accurate leveling

टोर्पेडो स्तर, बुलबुला स्तर

a long level with multiple vials used for measuring horizontal, vertical, and 45-degree angles, providing accurate leveling over larger surfaces

बॉक्स स्तर, वायल स्तर

a small level designed to be attached to a string or line to ensure proper alignment in a horizontal plane

रेखा स्तर, स्ट्रिंग स्तर

an electronic tool that utilizes sensors to measure angles and provides digital readouts of level or plumb measurements, offering precise and convenient leveling capabilities

डिजिटल स्तर, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक स्तर

a surveying instrument that combines a telescope with a spirit level, used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles, as well as distances, in surveying and construction projects

संक्रमण स्तर, ट्रांजिट स्तर

a specialized level or angle-measuring tool used for determining the angle of slope or inclination in various applications such as forestry, construction, and surveying


a precision tool used in machining and metalworking to ensure the flatness and alignment of machine surfaces, providing accurate measurements for precise machining operations

मशीनिस्ट स्तर, सटीक स्तर

a specialized level used in masonry work, typically featuring one or two vials, and is designed to assist in aligning bricks, blocks, or other construction materials accurately

मेसन स्तर, मेसन का स्तर

a weight attached to a string or line used by plumbers and builders to establish vertical alignment and ensure accuracy in construction

प्लंब बॉब, लंबवत तौल

a heavy-duty level commonly used in carpentry and woodworking, featuring multiple vials for precise leveling of surfaces, ensuring accuracy in construction and installation projects

बढ़ई का स्तर, भारी स्तर

a test measuring the consistency of a concrete mix, mainly performed in a lab or at the site of construction

कंक्रीट स्लंप टेस्ट, कंक्रीट के लिए झुकाव परीक्षण

an electronic surveying instrument that combines an electronic theodolite for measuring angles and a distance meter for measuring distances

कुल स्टेशन, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक सर्वेक्षण उपकरण

precision optical instrument used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles in surveying and engineering applications


a device used to measure the consistency or firmness of materials by assessing the depth of penetration of a probe or needle into the substance

पेनट्रोमीटर, कंसिस्टेंसी मापने वाला यंत्र

a device used to assess the compaction properties and density of soil or asphalt by delivering a standardized impact to the surface and measuring the resulting resistance or penetration

संपीड़न हथौड़ी, मिट्टी का संपीड़क

a graduated rod used in surveying to determine differences in elevation or establish benchmarks

लेवलिंग रॉड, स्तरीकरण रॉड

a surveying instrument used to establish horizontal levels and measure height differences

डम्पी स्तर, स्तरीकरण उपकरण

a wheel-like device with a calibrated measuring mechanism used to measure distances on the ground

मापने का पहिया, माप पहिया

a telescopic pole with a prism on top used in surveying for accurate measurements and positioning

प्रिज़्म पोल, प्रिज़्म स्तंभ

specialized ruler with different scales for accurately measuring and drawing scaled plans and elevations

स्थापत्य ड्राइंग स्केल, अर्किटेक्ट स्केल

flat surface used by architects and drafters for manual drawing and drafting

ड्राफ्टिंग बोर्ड, चित्रण पट्टिका

a straightedge tool with a perpendicular crosspiece used in conjunction with a drafting board for drawing straight lines and right angles

टी-स्क्वायर, टी-सीधा

a flexible curved ruler used for drawing smooth curves and irregular shapes

फ्रेंच कर्व, वक्र पैमाना

a specialized ruler with multiple scales for accurately representing measurements on a drawing, such as architectural or engineering scales

स्केल रूलर, मापा रूलर

a triangular ruler used for drawing straight lines and angles, commonly available in 30-60-90 and 45-45-90 degree configurations

ड्राफ्टिंग त्रिकोण, रेखाचित्र त्रिकोण

a mechanical or lead pencil with various lead thicknesses (e.g., 0.5mm, 0.7mm) for precise and consistent lines

ड्राफ्टिंग पेंसिल, यांत्रिक पेंसिल