शिक्षा - सिद्धांतों
यहां आप "निर्माणवाद", "स्थितिजन्य शिक्षा" और "कनेक्टिविज्म" जैसे सिद्धांतों से संबंधित कुछ अंग्रेजी शब्द सीखेंगे।
समीक्षा करें
a theoretical perspective that posits that knowledge and understanding are actively constructed by individuals through their interactions with the world
a learning theory that suggests learners actively construct their understanding of the world through experiences and reflection
a learning theory that stresses digital networks and information connections as fundamental to learning in the digital age
(psychology) the theory that believes human behavior is a conditioned response to outside stimuli
an educational theory that emphasizes learning within the context of authentic, real-world experiences
स्थितिगत सीखना
a theoretical framework that offers explanations and predictions about how learning occurs and how instruction can be optimized to facilitate learning
निर्देशात्मक सिद्धांत
a learning theory that emphasizes the role of social interactions and meaningful activities in shaping individual learning experiences and cognitive development
गतिविधि सिद्धान्त
a learning theory that proposes people learn from observing others' behaviors, attitudes, and outcomes of those behaviors
सामाजिक अधिगम सिद्धांत
a theory in education saying that people can only handle so much new information at once, so teaching should be organized to avoid overwhelming them
संज्ञानात्मक लोड सिद्धांत
a psychological theory proposing that intelligence is not a single, fixed attribute but rather a diverse set of abilities that individuals possess to varying degrees
बहु बुद्धिमत्ता का सिद्धांत
a cognitive theory that focuses on how information is encoded, stored, and retrieved in the human mind
सूचना प्रसंस्करण सिद्धांत
a theory emphasizing how social interaction and cultural context influence individual cognitive growth
सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक ज्ञान विकास सिद्धांत
a theory by David Kolb emphasizing learning through experience, reflection, abstraction, and experimentation
अनुभवजन्य शिक्षा का सिद्धांत
a theory that emphasizes the importance of personal growth, self-actualization, and the innate desire for fulfillment in the learning process
मानवीय अध्ययन सिद्धांत