
Veszély - Veszélyzónán kívül

Sajátítsa el a veszélyen kívüli helyzethez kapcsolódó angol idiómákat, mint például a „kikerülje a golyót” és a „ki a horgot”.







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English idioms related to Danger
close call

a situation where one avoids a danger just before it is too late

veszélyes helyzet, közelmúlt eseménye

veszélyes helyzet, közelmúlt eseménye

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close shave

used for referring to a situation in which something dangerous is avoided just before it is too late for it to happen

kritikus pillanat, majdnem baleset

kritikus pillanat, majdnem baleset

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to get out of Dodge

to hastily leave a place, usually because of a possible danger or threat

(as) safe as houses

not causing or involving any danger at all

to save one's skin / neck

to help a person get out of a situation that involves danger or difficulty

on the safe side

as carefully as possible in order to avoid any risk

to make a (hasty) retreat

to escape or withdraw from a situation that is dangerous or unpleasant

to be out of the woods

to be out of a situation that is full of danger, trouble, or hardship

to save somebody by the bell

to unexpectedly provide someone with help when they face a danger or difficulty

off the hook

no longer facing a difficulty, danger, or punishment

in good hands

used when a person or thing is being looked after by a trustworthy and capable individual

to dodge a bullet

to narrowly avoid a dangerous or undesirable situation

the coast is clear

used to say that everything is safe and someone can proceed to do something

to live to tell the tale

to survive a danger or difficulty and be able to tell others about it

out of harm's way

in a place or position that is safe from danger or damage

to keep somebody or something at bay

to maintain control or prevent someone or something from advancing, causing harm, or becoming a threat

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