Bahaya - Di luar bahaya
Kuasai idiom bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan keluar dari bahaya, seperti "menghindari peluru" dan "lepas dari bahaya".
Kartu flash
used for referring to a situation in which something dangerous is avoided just before it is too late for it to happen
ketika Anda nyaris menghindari bahaya
to hastily leave a place, usually because of a possible danger or threat
melarikan diri dari bahaya
to help a person get out of a situation that involves danger or difficulty
menyelamatkan seseorang dari bahaya
as carefully as possible in order to avoid any risk
karena hati-hati
to escape or withdraw from a situation that is dangerous or unpleasant
melarikan diri dengan tergesa-gesa
to be out of a situation that is full of danger, trouble, or hardship
aman dari bahaya atau bahaya
to unexpectedly provide someone with help when they face a danger or difficulty
menyelamatkan seseorang tepat pada waktunya
no longer facing a difficulty, danger, or punishment
aman dari bahaya atau bahaya
used when a person or thing is being looked after by a trustworthy and capable individual
di tangan orang yang mampu
to narrowly avoid a dangerous or undesirable situation
ketika seseorang nyaris menghindari bahaya
used to say that everything is safe and someone can proceed to do something
bahaya telah berlalu
to survive a danger or difficulty and be able to tell others about it
selamat dari situasi yang mematikan
in a place or position that is safe from danger or damage
jauh dari bahaya