Akadémiai IELTS (5-ös Sáv és Alatta) - Csillagászat
Itt megtanulhat néhány angol szót az Astronomoy-hoz, amelyek szükségesek a Basic Academic IELTS vizsgához.
a spacecraft with the purpose of cricling around a celectial obejct without landing on it
űrszond, műhold
the study of the movements of stars and planets that are thought to affect people and the world
an object sent into space to travel around the earth and send or receive information
műhold, meteorológiai műhold
all that exists in the physical world, such as space, planets, galaxies, etc.
a large number of star systems bound together by gravitational force
(astronomy) a shining point found in large numbers in the night sky
a huge round object that moves in an orbit, around the sun or any other star
bolygó, égitest
the large, bright star in the sky that shines during the day and gives us light and heat
the sun and the group of planets orbiting around it, including the earth
naprendszer, bolygórendszer
the path an object in the space follows to move around a planet, star, etc.
pálya, körpálya
clothing used by astronauts while traveling in space
űrszonda, űrruha
a means of transportation that frequently travels between two places
shuttle, szállító jármű
a spacecraft that moves up by the force of the gases produced when the fuel burns
the universe, particularly when it is thought of as a systematic whole
kozmosz, világegyetem
a US government agency responsible for space travel and the study of space
NASA, a Nemzeti Aeronautikai és Űrhajózási Hivatal.
the circular object going round the earth, visible mostly at night
a piece of equipment by which the far objects, particularly those in space, are made clearly visible
someone who is trained to travel and work in space
űrhajós, kozmonauta
a place in the space with such high gravity that pulls in everything, even light
fekete lyuk
a pale band of light seen in the sky at night that contains the solar system and billions of other stars
Tejút, A Tejút galaxis
the different types of gases that surround the earth or other planets
the explosion that, according to most scientists, caused the existence of the universe
nagy bumm, nagy bumm elmélet