Akademik IELTS (Bant 5 ve Altı) - Astronomi
Burada Temel Akademik IELTS sınavı için gerekli olan Astronomoy ile ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
a spacecraft with the purpose of cricling around a celectial obejct without landing on it

yörünge aracı, uydu

the study of the movements of stars and planets that are thought to affect people and the world

an object sent into space to travel around the earth and send or receive information

a large number of star systems bound together by gravitational force

galaksi, yıldızlar kümesi
the large, bright star in the sky that shines during the day and gives us light and heat

the sun and the group of planets orbiting around it, including the earth

güneş sistemi
a means of transportation that frequently travels between two places

iki yer arasında sefer yapan yolcu aracı
a piece of equipment by which the far objects, particularly those in space, are made clearly visible

a place in the space with such high gravity that pulls in everything, even light

kara delik
a pale band of light seen in the sky at night that contains the solar system and billions of other stars
