
IELTS Học Thuật (Band 5 Trở Xuống) - Thiên văn học

Tại đây, bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến Astronomoy cần thiết cho kỳ thi IELTS Học thuật Cơ bản.


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Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (5)

a spacecraft with the purpose of cricling around a celectial obejct without landing on it

quỹ đạo

quỹ đạo

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the study of the movements of stars and planets that are thought to affect people and the world

chiêm tinh thuật

chiêm tinh thuật

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an object sent into space to travel around the earth and send or receive information

vệ tinh không gian

vệ tinh không gian

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all that exists in the physical world, such as space, planets, galaxies, etc.

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a large number of star systems bound together by gravitational force

dãy ngân hà

dãy ngân hà

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(astronomy) a shining point found in large numbers in the night sky

ngôi sao

ngôi sao

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a huge round object that moves in an orbit, around the sun or any other star

hành tinh

hành tinh

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the large, bright star in the sky that shines during the day and gives us light and heat

mặt trời

mặt trời

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solar system

the sun and the group of planets orbiting around it, including the earth

hệ mặt trời

hệ mặt trời

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the path an object in the space follows to move around a planet, star, etc.

quĩ đạo

quĩ đạo

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a vehicle designed to travel in space

phi thuyền không gian

phi thuyền không gian

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clothing used by astronauts while traveling in space

bộ đồ không gian

bộ đồ không gian

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a means of transportation that frequently travels between two places

cái thoi

cái thoi

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a spacecraft that moves up by the force of the gases produced when the fuel burns

hỏa tiển

hỏa tiển

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the universe, particularly when it is thought of as a systematic whole

thế giới

thế giới

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a US government agency responsible for space travel and the study of space



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the circular object going round the earth, visible mostly at night

mặt trăng

mặt trăng

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a piece of equipment by which the far objects, particularly those in space, are made clearly visible

kính viển vọng

kính viển vọng

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someone who is trained to travel and work in space

phi hành gia

phi hành gia

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black hole

a place in the space with such high gravity that pulls in everything, even light

hố đen

hố đen

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the distance that light travels in a year

năm ánh sáng

năm ánh sáng

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the Milky Way

a pale band of light seen in the sky at night that contains the solar system and billions of other stars

dải ngân hà

dải ngân hà

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the different types of gases that surround the earth or other planets

bầu khí quyển

bầu khí quyển

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big bang

the explosion that, according to most scientists, caused the existence of the universe

vụ nổ lớn

vụ nổ lớn

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