Szókincs az IELTS-hez (Akadémiai) - Matematika és statisztika
Itt elsajátíthat néhány angol szót az ok-okozati összefüggésről, például "levonás", "vertikális", "szegmens" stb., amelyek szükségesek az IELTS vizsgához.
a graphical display of the relationship between two or more numbers using a line or lines
grafikon, diagram
(mathematics) the property of being positive or negative in any number other than zero
jel, matematikai jel
the action or process of taking an amount away from a total
levonás, csökkentés
someone who is a specialist or expert in mathematics
matematikus, női matematikus
having an equal distance from each other at every point
(mathematics) a number representing the chances of something specific happening
a question that can be answered by mathematics or logical thinking
probléma, matematikai feladat
the size, amount, or degree of one thing compared with another
skála, méret
the second exponent of any given number produced when multiplied by itself
négyzet, második hatvány
positioned at a right angle to the horizon or ground, typically moving up or down
függőleges, egyenes
(mathematics) a group of things that belong together because of having some similarities
halmaz, csoport
(geometry) an arbitrary straight line that passes through the center of a symmetrical object or around which an object spins
each of the two symbols [ ] used to indicate that the enclosed numbers or words should be considered separately
szögletes zárójel, zárójelek
(mathematics) a statement indicating the equality between two values
(mathematics) a rule or law represented in symbols, letters, or numbers
képlet, matematikai képlet
(mathematics) a quantity whose value changes according to another quantity's varying value
(mathematics) the result of the division of two mathematical expressions
arány, hányados
(geometry) a part of a circle that is separated from the rest by a line
szegmens, szektor
not having identical parts facing each other or around an axis
(logic) the process of arriving at a general conclusion based on particular instances
indukció, logikai indukció
(mathematics) to calculate how many times a number contains another number
osztani, felosztani
a branch of mathematics in which abstract letters and symbols represent numbers in order to generalize the arithmetic
the branch of mathematics that comprises differentials and integrals
kalkulus, differenciál- és integrálszámítás
the branch of mathematics that deals with the relation between the lines, angles and surfaces or the properties of the space
a branch of mathematics that deals with addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.
aritmetika, számítás
(mathematics) the average value of a set of quantities calculated by adding them, and dividing them by the total number of the quantities
átlag, számtani átlag
(mathematics) a quantity that is capable of assuming different values in a calculation
változó, ismeretlen
a function that shows the probability of variables in a symmetrical and bell-shaped graph
normál eloszlás, normális eloszlás
(statistics) a measure used to show how strong is the relationship between two sets of data or variables
korrelációs együttható, korrelációs index
(statistics) a variable whose value is determined by the value of another variable in a function
függő változó, magyarázandó változó