a graphical display of the relationship between two or more numbers using a line or lines

グラフ, 図表

(mathematics) the property of being positive or negative in any number other than zero

符号, 数学的符号

(mathematics) a group of things that belong together because of having some similarities

集合, グループ

(geometry) an arbitrary straight line that passes through the center of a symmetrical object or around which an object spins


each of the two symbols [ ] used to indicate that the enclosed numbers or words should be considered separately

角括弧, ブラケット

(mathematics) a quantity whose value changes according to another quantity's varying value


(logic) the process of arriving at a general conclusion based on particular instances

帰納, 論理的帰納

a branch of mathematics in which abstract letters and symbols represent numbers in order to generalize the arithmetic


the branch of mathematics that deals with the relation between the lines, angles and surfaces or the properties of the space


a branch of mathematics that deals with addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.

算術, 計算

(mathematics) the average value of a set of quantities calculated by adding them, and dividing them by the total number of the quantities

平均(へいきん), 平均値(へいきんち)

(mathematics) a quantity that is capable of assuming different values in a calculation

変数, 未知数

a function that shows the probability of variables in a symmetrical and bell-shaped graph

正規分布, ノーマル分布

(statistics) a measure used to show how strong is the relationship between two sets of data or variables

相関係数, 相関指標