
Media dan Komunikasi - Program TV dan Radio

Di sini Anda akan mempelajari beberapa kata bahasa Inggris yang berhubungan dengan program TV dan radio seperti "pilot", "edutainment", dan "rating".




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Words Related to Media and Communication

a type of television or radio program in which the audience take part by calling the studio to voice their opinions

menelepon dan berpartisipasi dalam kontes TV atau radio

menelepon dan berpartisipasi dalam kontes TV atau radio

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products such as movies, TV shows, etc. that are made to be educational as well as entertaining



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one part of a series of a radio or TV show

episode acara radio atau TV

episode acara radio atau TV

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laugh track

pre-recorded laughter added to a radio or television show to make it seem like the audience is having a laugh

jalur tertawa

jalur tertawa

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‌a television show with a few episodes, shown over a short stretch of time



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panel show

a TV or radio competition in which people play games or answer questions to win

pertunjukan panel

pertunjukan panel

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a TV or radio program made to see how the audience react and whether it should be made into a series



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quiz show

an entertainment show on radio or television in which people compete to win prizes by answering a number of questions

pertunjukan cerdas tangkas

pertunjukan cerdas tangkas

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reality tv

entertainment shows on television about the lives of ordinary people in real situations

acara realita

acara realita

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‌a program on television or radio that has already been broadcast



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the playback of a short part of a sports match, tape, etc. on television or radio



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TV show

a series of episodes broadcast on television that tells a story or provides entertainment, usually consisting of a specific genre or format

acara TV

acara TV

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situation comedy

a humorous show on television or radio with the same characters being involved with numerous funny situations in different episodes

komedi situasi

komedi situasi

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soap opera

a TV or radio show, broadcast regularly, dealing with the routine life of a group of people and their problems

Drama TV dengan cerita dramatis

Drama TV dengan cerita dramatis

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a program on television or radio that broadcasts news reports

siaran warta berita

siaran warta berita

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a broadcast on television or radio about sports events or sports news

siaran olahraga

siaran olahraga

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talk show

a type of TV or radio program on which famous people appear as guests to answer questions about themselves or other subjects

acara bercakap-cakap

acara bercakap-cakap

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‌a type of television program that is broadcast for several hours, aimed to collect money for charity



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a type of TV or theatrical production that consists of several short performances such as singing, dancing, etc.



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weather forecast

a report on possible weather conditions and how they will change in the following day or days

ramalan cuaca

ramalan cuaca

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closed caption

the textual representation of dialogue, sound effects, and other audio information displayed on the screen during a video or television program, primarily intended forthe textual representation of dialogue, sound effects, and other audio information displayed on the screen during a video or television program, primarily intended for viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing

keterangan tertutup

keterangan tertutup

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instant replay

the immediate playback of an important moment in a sports competition on television, usually shown in slow motion

pemutaran ulang instan

pemutaran ulang instan

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voice over

spoken descriptions given in a movie or a television show, etc. by a narrator that is not seen by the audience

pengisi suara

pengisi suara

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a recorded copy of a broadcasted radio or television program for reviewing and evaluation purposes

pemeriksaan udara

pemeriksaan udara

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on the air

used to refer to program that is being broadcasted on radio or television



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the amount of time given to a program on television or radio



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commercial break

a pause in a television or radio program during which advertisements or commercials are shown

jeda iklan

jeda iklan

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a spoken description of an event while it is taking place, particularly on TV or radio

warta berita

warta berita

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running order

the arranged sequence of items in a television program or of performers in a team

urutan berjalan

urutan berjalan

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a list of radio and television programs on a particular network and the exact time they start



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the rebroadcast of a program on television or other media

pertunjukan ulangan

pertunjukan ulangan

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news ticker

a line of news headlines passing across a television or computer screen

ticker berita

ticker berita

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the process of scheduling programs that are planned to be broadcast on radio or television

penyusunan acara

penyusunan acara

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local programming

television or radio content that is produced and aired specifically for a local audience, often focusing on news, events, and topics of local interest

pemrograman lokal

pemrograman lokal

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a company or building where TV or radio programs are being broadcast



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a room or building where TV or radio programs are made or broadcast



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talk radio

a kind of radio broadcast in which a particular topic is discussed and listeners are encouraged to make a phone call and share their opinions

bicara radio

bicara radio

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the news

a television or radio broadcast or program of the latest news



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a brief news program that is broadcast on the radio or television

berita singkat

berita singkat

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cue card

a large card that is held up behind a camera for presenters or anchors to read from while they seem to be looking at the camera

kartu isyarat

kartu isyarat

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commercial broadcasting

the transmission of television or radio programs that are funded through advertising revenue

penyiaran komersial

penyiaran komersial

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the estimated number of people who watch a TV show or listen to a radio program



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prime time

the time at which the largest number of people are watching TV or listening to the radio

jam puncak menonton (TV, dll.)

jam puncak menonton (TV, dll.)

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parental controls

a feature provided in some digital devices (cellphones, television, etc.) that allows parents to have control over their children's access to unwanted content

pengawasan orang tua

pengawasan orang tua

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a broadcasting system in which the viewer has to pay to watch a particular program

bayar per tayang

bayar per tayang

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pay television

a form of television broadcasting in which the viewer pays to have access to a particular program or channel

televisi berbayar

televisi berbayar

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a TV station that broadcasts different programs

saluran televisi

saluran televisi

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a pre-recorded segment that is added into a live or recorded program, such as an advertisement or news update



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the storytelling techniques extending a narrative across multiple platforms, such as movies, television shows, books, and video games, creating a cohesive experience for audiences

penyampaian cerita multimedia

penyampaian cerita multimedia

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a type of content that combines information and entertainment

konten yang informatif dan menghibur

konten yang informatif dan menghibur

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a service delivering written news and information through television, currently replaced by other information services provided on a television network



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