Kata Sifat Relasional - Kata Sifat Hukum
Kata sifat ini berkaitan dengan bidang hukum, yang meliputi sistem peraturan dan asas yang mengatur masyarakat dan mengatur tingkah laku manusia.
Kartu flash
relating to the making and passing of laws by government bodies
legislatif, perundang-undangan
belonging or appropriate for a court, a judge, or the administration of justice
yudisial, mengadili
related to the use of scientific techniques when trying to know more about a crime
forensik, kriminalistik
dealing with legal issues that involve actions considered crimes against the state or public
kriminal, hukum
relating to the enforcement of rules or the correction of behavior
disipliner, yang berkaitan dengan disiplin
relating to punishment, especially by law or regulation
pidana, berkaitan dengan hukuman
relating to the process or procedures, especially those followed in legal or official matters
prosedural, berkaitan dengan proses
having enough reason to take someone to court over a legal matter
dapat dituntut, punya dasar hukum untuk dituntut
officially allowed or accepted according to the rules or laws that apply to a particular situation
legitim, sah
intended to punish or discipline someone for wrongdoing
menghukum, pembalasan
relating or conformable to the law or its administration
legal, sesuai hukum
not permitted by or conforming to the law or regulations
ilegal, melawan hukum
legally held accountable for the cost of something
bertanggung jawab, dapat dipertanggungjawabkan
responsible for one's actions and prepared to explain them
bertanggung jawab, dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban
allowed or acceptable according to established rules or standards
diperbolehkan, boleh
legally obligated to act in the best interests of another party, typically when managing their assets or affairs
fidusia, kepercayaan
(of statements) intending to ruin someone's reputation with the use of unpleasant or false information
fitnah, pencemaran nama baik
deserving of punishment under the law or established rules
dapat dihukum, terdapat hukuman
related to legal actions, disputes, or the process of engaging in lawsuits
litigius, berkaitan dengan sengketa hukum
(of law) related to a wrong action that is not considered criminal
tortious, perdata
capable of being charged or accused of misconduct or wrongdoing
dapat diimpeach, layak diadili
involved in a wrongful act either directly or indirectly, thus sharing responsibility or guilt for the wrongdoing
berkontribusi, terlibat
capable of being legally pursued and subject to legal action
dapat dituntut, bisa dikenakan tuntutan hukum
referring to a company that is allegedly involved in or created for illegal activities, often used as a front or cover to conceal illicit operations
perusahaan sampul, perusahaan cangkang