Relationella Adjektiv - Adjektiv för lag
Dessa adjektiv relaterar till rättsområdet, som omfattar det system av regleringar och principer som styr samhällen och reglerar mänskligt beteende.
relating to the making and passing of laws by government bodies
lagstiftande, legislativa
belonging or appropriate for a court, a judge, or the administration of justice
rättslig, domstol
related to the use of scientific techniques when trying to know more about a crime
rättsmedicinsk, kriminalteknisk
dealing with legal issues that involve actions considered crimes against the state or public
kriminell, juridisk
relating to the enforcement of rules or the correction of behavior
disciplinär, som rör disciplin
relating to punishment, especially by law or regulation
straffrättslig, relaterad till straff
relating to the process or procedures, especially those followed in legal or official matters
procedurell, som rör processer
having enough reason to take someone to court over a legal matter
åtalbar, lagligt handlingsbar
officially allowed or accepted according to the rules or laws that apply to a particular situation
legitim, giltig
intended to punish or discipline someone for wrongdoing
bestraffande, disciplinär
relating or conformable to the law or its administration
laglig, rättslig
not permitted by or conforming to the law or regulations
olaglig, brottslig
responsible for one's actions and prepared to explain them
ansvarig, redovisningsskyldig
allowed or acceptable according to established rules or standards
tillåten, acceptabel
legally obligated to act in the best interests of another party, typically when managing their assets or affairs
fiduciär, betrodda
(of statements) intending to ruin someone's reputation with the use of unpleasant or false information
förtalande, skadligt
legally required to be followed and cannot be avoided
bindande, obligatorisk
deserving of punishment under the law or established rules
straffbar, som kan straffas
related to legal actions, disputes, or the process of engaging in lawsuits
tvistig, rättslig
(of law) related to a wrong action that is not considered criminal
skadeståndsliknande, civilrättslig
capable of being charged or accused of misconduct or wrongdoing
möjlig att ställa inför riksrätt, impeachable
involved in a wrongful act either directly or indirectly, thus sharing responsibility or guilt for the wrongdoing
komplicerad, inblandad
capable of being legally pursued and subject to legal action
åtalbara, möjliga att lagföra
referring to a company that is allegedly involved in or created for illegal activities, often used as a front or cover to conceal illicit operations
skalbolag, falskt företag