Pericolo - Cautela
Scopri come modi di dire inglesi come "walk on Eggshells" e "on the lookout for" si riferiscono alla cautela in inglese.
to start acting in a risky way without caring about its consequences
an observation that is done very carefully
occhio d'aquila, sguardo attento
used to advise someone to proceed with caution or be careful with something
to consider all the possible outcomes of one's action before doing it
guarda prima {sb} salto
constantly paying attention to a person or thing to prevent a problem, danger, etc.
alla ricerca di
to act in a careful manner to prevent any possible risks from happening
to be prepared to handle things properly in case of danger or unpleasant events
to be extra cautious about how one behaves or talks to avoid making someone offended or upset
to closely watch a person or thing, particularly in order to make sure they are safe
tieni d'occhio qualcuno
to make a person be constantly worried about or ready for any possible danger or threat
to decide not to deal with a problem directly out of the fear that it may make things worse
to pay close attention to how to talk to someone or behave toward them because they can become offended or upset easily
to stop being involved with a person or thing that might cause problems for one
to closely examine or assess the condition of something, particularly a vehicle or machinery
to support both sides in a competition or conflict in order to protect oneself against loss
used to indicate that someone has been warned or informed about something