
GRE のための基本語彙 - 舞台裏










Essential Words Needed for the GRE
community theater

the activity of acting in or producing a play in a theater as a hobby and not a profession

コミュニティシアター, アマチュアシアター

コミュニティシアター, アマチュアシアター

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ad lib

a line that is recited in a speech or performance without prior preparation

アドリブ, 即興セリフ

アドリブ, 即興セリフ

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comedy of manners

a comic play, movie, book, etc. that portrays the behaviors of a particular social class, satirizing them

風俗喜劇, マナー喜劇

風俗喜劇, マナー喜劇

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a technique or process of selecting, editing, and pasting separate footage in order to create a motion picture



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the first public screening or performance of a movie or play



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a dramatic genre characterized by exaggerated emotions, intense conflicts, etc., often trying to create strong emotional reactions in the audience



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a musical or dramatic performance that takes place in daytime, especially in the afternoon

マチネ, 昼公演

マチネ, 昼公演

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curtain call

the time after a play or show has just ended when the performers come to the stage to receive the applause of the audience

カーテンコール, 終幕の挨拶

カーテンコール, 終幕の挨拶

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to dramatize

to turn a book, story, or an event into a movie or play

ドラマ化する, 映画化する

ドラマ化する, 映画化する

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translated words projected above or next to the stage on a screen in an opera or play



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a speech that a character in a dramatic play gives in the form of a monologue as a series of inner reflections spoken out loud



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stage direction

a text in the script of a play, giving an instruction regarding the movement, position, etc. of actors

舞台指示, 場面指示

舞台指示, 場面指示

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a new performance of something old that has not been performed for a long time, such as a play

復活, 再上演

復活, 再上演

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to prompt

to assist someone by suggesting the next words or actions they may have forgotten or not fully learned

促す, 思い出させる

促す, 思い出させる

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to enact

to act a role in a motion picture or perform a play on stage

演じる, 演技する

演じる, 演技する

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a representation that an actor or a performer gives of an artistic or musical piece that shows their understanding and feeling toward it

解釈, 表現

解釈, 表現

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to overact

to act a role in an exaggerated way that is not natural

オーバーアクションする, やりすぎる

オーバーアクションする, やりすぎる

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to miscast

to assign the roles of a play, motion picture, etc. to unsuitable actors

不適切にキャスティングする, 不適切に割り当てる

不適切にキャスティングする, 不適切に割り当てる

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a preparatory session during which actors read the words of a play before beginning to practice it on the stage

リードスルー, 読み合わせ

リードスルー, 読み合わせ

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to put on

to stage a play, a show, etc. for an audience

上演する, 演じる

上演する, 演じる

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a session of practice in which performers prepare themselves for a public performance of a concert, play, etc.

リハーサル, 練習

リハーサル, 練習

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to portray

to play the role of a character in a movie, play, etc.

演じる, 描く

演じる, 描く

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a movie, TV program, etc. that is based on a book or play

映画化, 適応

映画化, 適応

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art director

someone who is in charge of the artistic features, such as props and costumes of a movie or play

アートディレクター, 芸術監督

アートディレクター, 芸術監督

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someone who writes plays for the TV, radio, or theater

劇作家, 脚本家

劇作家, 脚本家

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an upper floor in a theater or cinema where there are seats for the audience

バルコニー, ギャラリー

バルコニー, ギャラリー

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situated out of sight of the audience, typically in the wings or backstage

舞台外の, バックステージの

舞台外の, バックステージの

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set piece

a set of scenes in a motion picture, novel, etc. that could be regarded independently and are very elaborate or complex

セットピース, 複雑なシーン

セットピース, 複雑なシーン

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a thing that achieves great widespread popularity or financial success, particularly a movie, book, or other product

大ヒット, 人気作品

大ヒット, 人気作品

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the art and methods of film-making, especially the photographic aspect and camerawork

シネマトグラフィー, 映画撮影

シネマトグラフィー, 映画撮影

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costume drama

a motion picture or theatrical production with a historical setting in which the actors wear the costume appropriate to that time period

コスチュームドラマ, 歴史劇

コスチュームドラマ, 歴史劇

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(plural) a list of names at the start or end of a TV program or movie acknowledging the people involved in its production

クレジット, タイトル

クレジット, タイトル

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to fictionalize

to turn real events or situations into a tale or story, often by changing or adding to the details

フィクション化する, 物語化する

フィクション化する, 物語化する

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film noir

a type of movie involving crime including shadowy footage and dark background music that depicted cynical characters caught in dangerous situations

フィルム・ノワール, ノワール映画

フィルム・ノワール, ノワール映画

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fourth wall

an imaginary barrier that separates the mise en scene and the fictional characters from the audience, especially in a theatrical performance

第四の壁, フォースウォール

第四の壁, フォースウォール

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a short pause between parts of a play, movie, etc.

中断, 休憩

中断, 休憩

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a short interval between parts of a play, movie, etc.

間奏, インタールード

間奏, インタールード

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a concluding speech at the end of a play that is addressed directly to the audience, often in verse



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an actor who practices the lines of another actor in order to replace them if necessary

アンダースタディ, 代役

アンダースタディ, 代役

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a movie that is intended to be broadcast on TV, rather than being projected on the screen

テレビ映画, テレビフィルム

テレビ映画, テレビフィルム

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