
Từ Vựng Cần Thiết cho GRE - Đằng sau hậu trường

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về kịch, chẳng hạn như “soliloquy”, “revival”, “balcony”, v.v. cần thiết cho kỳ thi GRE.


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Bắt đầu học
Essential Words Needed for the GRE
community theater

the activity of acting in or producing a play in a theater as a hobby and not a profession

nhà hát cộng đồng

nhà hát cộng đồng

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ad lib

a line that is recited in a speech or performance without prior preparation

cuộc đối thoại ngẫu hứng

cuộc đối thoại ngẫu hứng

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comedy of manners

a comic play, movie, book, etc. that portrays the behaviors of a particular social class, satirizing them

loại hài kịch

loại hài kịch

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a technique or process of selecting, editing, and pasting separate footage in order to create a motion picture

dựng phim

dựng phim

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the first public screening or performance of a movie or play

buổi ra mắt phim

buổi ra mắt phim

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a dramatic genre characterized by exaggerated emotions, intense conflicts, etc., often trying to create strong emotional reactions in the audience

cử chỉ khoa đại

cử chỉ khoa đại

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a musical or dramatic performance that takes place in daytime, especially in the afternoon

buổi sáng

buổi sáng

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curtain call

the time after a play or show has just ended when the performers come to the stage to receive the applause of the audience

khi tấm màn kéo lên và tất cả các diễn viên bước lên sân khấu

khi tấm màn kéo lên và tất cả các diễn viên bước lên sân khấu

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to dramatize

to turn a book, story, or an event into a movie or play

bi tráng như vở kịch

bi tráng như vở kịch

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translated words projected above or next to the stage on a screen in an opera or play

phụ đề

phụ đề

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a speech that a character in a dramatic play gives in the form of a monologue as a series of inner reflections spoken out loud

độc thoại (sân khấu)

độc thoại (sân khấu)

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stage direction

a text in the script of a play, giving an instruction regarding the movement, position, etc. of actors

đường hướng dẩn

đường hướng dẩn

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a new performance of something old that has not been performed for a long time, such as a play

sự hồi sanh

sự hồi sanh

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to prompt

to assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned



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[Động từ]
to enact

to act a role in a motion picture or perform a play on stage

ban hành

ban hành

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a representation that an actor or a performer gives of an artistic or musical piece that shows their understanding and feeling toward it

sự biểu diển

sự biểu diển

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to overact

to act a role in an exaggerated way that is not natural

cường điệu

cường điệu

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to miscast

to assign the roles of a play, motion picture, etc. to unsuitable actors

phát âm sai

phát âm sai

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a preparatory session during which actors read the words of a play before beginning to practice it on the stage

đọc kịch bản

đọc kịch bản

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to put on

to stage a play, a show, etc. for an audience

dọ đồ lên

dọ đồ lên

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a session of practice in which performers prepare themselves for a public performance of a concert, play, etc.

câu chuyện kể lại

câu chuyện kể lại

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to portray

to play the role of a character in a movie, play, etc.

[Động từ]

a movie, TV program, etc. that is based on a book or play

phim dựa trên sách, vở kịch, v.v.

phim dựa trên sách, vở kịch, v.v.

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art director

someone who is in charge of the artistic features, such as props and costumes of a movie or play

Giám đốc nghệ thuật

Giám đốc nghệ thuật

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someone who writes plays for the TV, radio, or theater

nhà soạn kịch

nhà soạn kịch

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an upper floor in a theater or cinema where there are seats for the audience

ban công

ban công

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situated out of sight of the audience, typically in the wings or backstage

ở ngoài sân khấu

ở ngoài sân khấu

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set piece

a set of scenes in a motion picture, novel, etc. that could be regarded independently and are very elaborate or complex

cảnh riêng biệt

cảnh riêng biệt

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a thing that achieves great widespread popularity or financial success, particularly a movie, book, or other product

bán chạy nhất (phim, sách, v.v.)

bán chạy nhất (phim, sách, v.v.)

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the art and methods of film-making, especially the photographic aspect and camerawork

thuật chiếu phim

thuật chiếu phim

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costume drama

a motion picture or theatrical production with a historical setting in which the actors wear the costume appropriate to that time period

trang phục kịch

trang phục kịch

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(plural) a list of names at the start or end of a TV program or movie acknowledging the people involved in its production

ảnh hưởng

ảnh hưởng

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to fictionalize

to turn real events or situations into a tale or story, often by changing or adding to the details

hư cấu

hư cấu

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film noir

a type of movie involving crime including shadowy footage and dark background music that depicted cynical characters caught in dangerous situations

thể loại đen tối

thể loại đen tối

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fourth wall

an imaginary barrier that separates the mise en scene and the fictional characters from the audience, especially in a theatrical performance

bức tường thứ tư (sân khấu)

bức tường thứ tư (sân khấu)

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a short pause between parts of a play, movie, etc.

gián đoạn

gián đoạn

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a short interval between parts of a play, movie, etc.

khoảng cách ngắn giữa các phần của một bộ phim, vở kịch, v.v.

khoảng cách ngắn giữa các phần của một bộ phim, vở kịch, v.v.

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a concluding speech at the end of a play that is addressed directly to the audience, often in verse

bài phát biểu kết thúc vở kịch

bài phát biểu kết thúc vở kịch

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an actor who practices the lines of another actor in order to replace them if necessary

học việc

học việc

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a movie that is intended to be broadcast on TV, rather than being projected on the screen

phim truyền hình

phim truyền hình

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