to move forward at a regular speed by placing our feet in front of each other one by one

歩く, ウォークする

to move with heavy or awkward steps, often in a manner that lacks grace or coordination

重く歩く, ぎこちなく動く

to walk back and forth in a small area at a fixed speed, often due to anxiety or being deep in thought

行ったり来たりする, ウロウロする

to go from one place to another with no specific destination or purpose in mind

さまよう, 徘徊する

to walk leisurely or casually, typically without a specific destination or purpose, often for enjoyment or relaxation

散歩する, ブラブラする

to take a long walk for pleasure in the countryside with no particular destination

ぶらぶら歩く, 散策する

to move one's feet slowly or lazily, often by dragging them along the ground

足を引きずる, のろのろ歩く

to walk at a slow and leisurely pace, usually without any particular purpose or urgency

ぶらぶら歩く, のんびり歩く

to walk slowly and with heavy steps, especially due to exhaustion, difficulty, or adverse conditions

重い足取りで歩く, 疲れて歩く

to walk heavily and laboriously, typically with a slow and monotonous pace

重い足取りで歩く, ゆっくり歩く

to walk or move wearily or reluctantly, often with a casual or unhurried manner

ぶらぶら歩く, だらだら歩く

to move or walk in a relaxed, unhurried manner, often with a casual or leisurely pace

のんびり歩く, 散歩する

to move to a new position by raising one's foot and then putting it down in a different spot

ステップする, 足を踏み出す

to walk with difficulty, particularly due to a damaged or stiff leg or foot

足を引きずる, ひきずり歩く

to walk in a manner that is both showy and casual, often with exaggerated movements to draw attention

ササイする, どや顔で歩く

to take a long walk in the countryside or mountains for exercise or pleasure

ハイキングする, 散策する

to ascend or move clumsily up a steep surface, using both hands and feet for support

よじ登る, 登攀する

to walk with a loud and noticeable sound, typically due to the force of one's steps

ドスドス歩く, 踏み鳴らす