
感覚と感情の動詞 - 音を発する動詞










Categorized English Verbs of Senses and Emotions
to resonate

to produce a deep and rich sound that lingers or echoes

共鳴する, 響く

共鳴する, 響く

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to sound

to make a noise

鳴る, 音を立てる

鳴る, 音を立てる

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to echo

to make a repeated and reflected sound

反響する, こだまする

反響する, こだまする

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to buzz

to make a low and continuous humming or vibrating sound, like the sound of a bee or a motor

ブンブン鳴る, 振動する

ブンブン鳴る, 振動する

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to squeak

to make a short high-pitched noise or cry

キーキーと鳴く, きしむ

キーキーと鳴く, きしむ

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to tick

to make a repetitive, light, clicking sound, like that of a clock or a machine

ティックする, カチカチ音を立てる

ティックする, カチカチ音を立てる

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to beep

(particularly of a horn or electronic device) to make a short, often high-pitched sound as a signal or alert

ビープする, 鳴る

ビープする, 鳴る

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to bleep

(of electronic devices) to make a quick, high-pitched sound

ビープする, 音を出す

ビープする, 音を出す

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to rattle

to make a rapid succession of short, sharp noises, typically by shaking or striking something

振る, ガタガタさせる

振る, ガタガタさせる

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to rumble

to create a continuous, deep sound

ごろごろ鳴る, 轟く

ごろごろ鳴る, 轟く

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to roar

to make a loud, deep, continuous, and powerful sound, usually with a low pitch

吼える, 轟く

吼える, 轟く

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to boom

to create a loud, deep sound that resonates, often with a low tone

轟く, 響く

轟く, 響く

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to grunt

(of animals, especially pigs) to make a low sound from the nose and throat

グルルと鳴く, うめく

グルルと鳴く, うめく

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to whine

to produce a high-pitched, unpleasant, screechy sound

うめく, 愚痴をこぼす

うめく, 愚痴をこぼす

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to chime

to make a ringing sound, like a bell or clock

鳴る, チンと鳴る

鳴る, チンと鳴る

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to rustle

to create a gentle, crackling sound, similar to dry leaves or paper moving

かさかさ音を立てる, ざわめく

かさかさ音を立てる, ざわめく

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to screech

to make a loud, harsh, piercing sound, like that of tires sliding on pavement

叫ぶ, 悲鳴を上げる

叫ぶ, 悲鳴を上げる

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to groan

to make a deep, low sound, typically expressing pain, despair, or disapproval

うめく, 呻く

うめく, 呻く

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to whistle

to make a high-pitched sound by forcing air out through one's partly closed lips

口笛を吹く, ホイッスルする

口笛を吹く, ホイッスルする

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to hum

to make a low, continuous, and steady sound

ハミングする, 唸る

ハミングする, 唸る

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to snort

(of an animal) to make a sudden rough sound by exhaling hard through the nose as a sign of excitement or agitation

いななく, 鼻を鳴らす

いななく, 鼻を鳴らす

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to snore

to breathe through one's nose and mouth in a noisy way while asleep

いびきをかく, 寝ているときに騒がしく呼吸する

いびきをかく, 寝ているときに騒がしく呼吸する

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to moan

to make a low sound that often expresses pain, grief, or disappointment

うめく, 愚痴る

うめく, 愚痴る

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to sizzle

to produce a hissing noise, resembling the noise made when frying food

シズルする, ジュウジュウする

シズルする, ジュウジュウする

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to scrunch

to make a noise, often by crushing or crunching something

潰す, バリバリなる

潰す, バリバリなる

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to ping

to produce a brief, high-pitched sound

ピングする, 音を鳴らす

ピングする, 音を鳴らす

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to honk

to cause a horn, particularly of a vehicle, to make a loud noise

クラクションを鳴らす, ホーンを鳴らす

クラクションを鳴らす, ホーンを鳴らす

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to pop

to make a sudden light sound like a small explosion

弾ける, ポップする

弾ける, ポップする

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to beat out

to make a rhythmic sound by hitting something consistently, commonly used in the context of music or drumming

叩く, 打つ

叩く, 打つ

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to drown out

to make a sound or noise so loud that it covers up other sounds

かき消す, 覆い隠す

かき消す, 覆い隠す

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to bark

to make a short, loud sound that is typical of a dog

吠える, バウバウする

吠える, バウバウする

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to hiss

to make a sharp, prolonged sound, usually produced by forcing air through the mouth

 hissu, シュー音を立てる

hissu, シュー音を立てる

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to chirp

to utter the short sharp sound characteristic of a bird or an insect

さえずる, チュンチュン鳴く

さえずる, チュンチュン鳴く

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to growl

(of animals, particularly dogs) to make a rumbling sound from the throat as a sign of warning

うなる, 唸る

うなる, 唸る

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to howl

(of an animal such as a dog or wolf) to make a loud and prolonged sound or cry

遠吠えする, うなる

遠吠えする, うなる

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