Slovesa Smyslů a Emocí - Slovesa pro emisi zvuku
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na vydávání zvuku, jako je „squeak“, „beep“ a „whistle“.
to make a low and continuous humming or vibrating sound, like the sound of a bee or a motor

bzučet, vibrovat

to make a repetitive, light, clicking sound, like that of a clock or a machine

tikání, cvakat

(particularly of a horn or electronic device) to make a short, often high-pitched sound as a signal or alert

zabouchnout, pískat

to make a rapid succession of short, sharp noises, typically by shaking or striking something

cloumat, hřmět

to make a loud, deep, continuous, and powerful sound, usually with a low pitch

řvát, hřmět

(of animals, especially pigs) to make a low sound from the nose and throat

hrabat, hřebčet

to create a gentle, crackling sound, similar to dry leaves or paper moving

šustit, šumět

to make a loud, harsh, piercing sound, like that of tires sliding on pavement

křičet, skřípat

to make a deep, low sound, typically expressing pain, despair, or disapproval

sténat, vzdychat

to make a high-pitched sound by forcing air out through one's partly closed lips

pískat, zpívat

(of an animal) to make a sudden rough sound by exhaling hard through the nose as a sign of excitement or agitation

chrochtat, frkat

to breathe through one's nose and mouth in a noisy way while asleep

chrápat, dýchat hlučně ve spánku

to make a low sound that often expresses pain, grief, or disappointment

sténat, naříkat

to produce a hissing noise, resembling the noise made when frying food

syčet, praskat

to make a rhythmic sound by hitting something consistently, commonly used in the context of music or drumming

bít, úder

to make a sound or noise so loud that it covers up other sounds

přehlušit, utlumit

to make a sharp, prolonged sound, usually produced by forcing air through the mouth

syčet, hvízdat

to utter the short sharp sound characteristic of a bird or an insect

cvrlikat, čvrlikat

(of animals, particularly dogs) to make a rumbling sound from the throat as a sign of warning

bručet, rýt