(in some countries) the group of people who have been elected to make laws, which in the US it consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate
国会, コングレス
the percentage or number of eligible voters who actually cast their vote
投票率, 参加者数
a system of government based on the vote of the public who choose their representatives periodically by free election
any territory under the full or partial control of another more powerful nation, often occupied by settlers from that nation
an official political group with shared beliefs, goals, and policies aiming to be a part of or form a government
政治党, 政治団体
an official gathering during which the heads of governments discuss crucial issues
サミット, 首脳会議
information and statements that are mostly biased and false and are used to promote a political cause or leader
the process of officially selecting a candidate for either an election or bestowing an honnor
the formal act of breaking away from a larger political entity or organization
a political association or entity in which states or countries cooperate and share certain common objectives or interests while retaining their individual independence
コモンウェルス, 共同体
a territory or state ruled by a prince, often smaller than a kingdom but with a degree of political independence
a written public declaration of intentions, opinions, and objectives, often issued by a political party, a government, or a group of individuals with a shared interest or purpose
the process of assigning authority, responsibility, or tasks from a higher authority to a lower-ranking individual or entity to carry out specific duties or functions on their behalf
委任, 代表団
an official order according to which any commercial activity with a particular country is banned
禁輸, 輸出禁止
an extreme allegiance to a particular political party or ideology
ハイパー政党主義, 極端な党派主義
agreement and collaboration between two major political parties that typically oppose each other's policies
二大政党制, 二大政党間の協力
related to voting, elections, or the process of choosing representatives through voting mechanisms
選挙の, 選挙に関する
someone who supports social equality, healthcare reform, environmental protection, and a more active role for government in addressing social issues
民主党員, 社会的平等支持者
related to or characteristic of a political ideology that emphasizes individual freedoms, equality, and government intervention for social welfare and economic opportunity
リベラル, 進歩的
(in the US) someone who supports or is a member of the Republican Party
共和党員, 共和党員(女性)
holding a political view that supports free enterprise, limited government spending and traditional social views
保守的, 保守的な
(of a territory, organization, etc.) making decisions regarding one's internal affairs without external interference
自治, 自己統治
operating or involving activities across multiple countries or nations
トランスナショナル, 国際的
relating to an ideology or political system advocating for the collective ownership of property and the absence of social classes
relating to the central government of a country rather than the local or regional governments
連邦の, 連邦的な
involving or relating to the interactions or relationships between states within a country or federation
州間の, 州に関する
the place where someone or a group of people come from and feel a strong connection to
故郷, 母国
(of a person or system) enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of individual freedom
権威主義的な, 権威主義者の
associated with matters or activities of a consulate or consul, particularly the representation and protection of a country's citizens and interests in a foreign city or region
領事の, 領事館に関する
relating to the period in a region's history before it was colonized by foreign powers
先植民地時代, 植民地化以前
a set of ideas or a plan of action that has been chosen officially by a group of people, an organization, a political party, etc.
政策, 戦略
the process by which all the people of a country have the opportunity to vote on a single political question
a formal change, addition, or alteration made to a law, contract, constitution, or other legal document
修正, 改正
the status or condition of holding a permanent position, especially in certain professions
終身雇用, 任期
the legality and power given to a government or other organization after winning an election
マンデート, 権限
a formal meeting place where discussions or decisions take place, particularly within a administrative or judicial context
委員会室, 室
the head of government in parliamentary democracies, who is responsible for leading the government and making important decisions on policies and law-making
首相, 大臣