
陸上交通 - 運転犯罪と犯罪










Words Related to Land Transportation
driving under the influence

the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent that it impairs the person's ability to drive safely


a term used in some jurisdictions to refer to the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs

飲酒運転, 酔った運転

飲酒運転, 酔った運転

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drunk driving

the act of driving a vehicle such as a car while being drunk

飲酒運転, 酩酊運転

飲酒運転, 酩酊運転

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hit and run

an accident in which the driver who is responsible for the accident runs away instead of stopping to help

ひき逃げ事故, ひき逃げ

ひき逃げ事故, ひき逃げ

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the traffic offence of driving faster than is legally allowed

スピード違反, 速度超過

スピード違反, 速度超過

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the offense of driving a vehicle at high speeds in competition with others on public roads

レース, 競争

レース, 競争

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careless driving

the act of operating a vehicle without paying enough attention to safety and traffic rules

無謀な運転, 不注意運転

無謀な運転, 不注意運転

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reckless driving

the act of driving a vehicle dangerously and without regard for safety

無謀運転, 危険運転

無謀運転, 危険運転

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aggressive driving

the act of operating a vehicle in a forceful and reckless manner that endangers others on the road

アグレッシブドライビング, 過激運転

アグレッシブドライビング, 過激運転

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driving whilst unfit

the act of operating a vehicle despite being physically or mentally incapable of doing so safely

不適切運転, 運転能力喪失

不適切運転, 運転能力喪失

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driving without insurance

the act of operating a vehicle without the necessary insurance coverage

無保険運転, 保険なしでの運転

無保険運転, 保険なしでの運転

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distracted driving

the act of operating a vehicle while being unfocused due to other activities or stimuli

注意散漫運転, 気を散らされた運転

注意散漫運転, 気を散らされた運転

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wrong-way concurrency

the phenomenon where vehicles travel in the opposite direction of traffic flow on roads, posing a significant risk to safety

逆走交通, 逆方向の交通流

逆走交通, 逆方向の交通流

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the act of violently stealing a car while someone is inside it

カージャッキング, 車両の強奪

カージャッキング, 車両の強奪

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to hot-wire

to start a car's engine without the key by using the wires attached to it

ホットワイヤリングする, 鍵なしで始動する

ホットワイヤリングする, 鍵なしで始動する

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to joyride

to take a vehicle, typically a car or motorcycle, for a ride without the owner's permission or for enjoyment

許可なしに運転する, 楽しむためにドライブする

許可なしに運転する, 楽しむためにドライブする

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a fine issued by law enforcement for violating traffic laws or regulations

チケット, 罰金

チケット, 罰金

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parking ticket

an official notice issued in case a car is parked illegally, typically put on the windshield

駐車違反通知, 駐車券

駐車違反通知, 駐車券

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